Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Big Sean: Naya Rivera Has Had CRAZY Plastic Surgery!

Naya Rivera has made some mistakes when it comes to dating.

Those mistakes include, but are not limited to:

Dating a guy who’s about to go to prison for possession child pornography.

Breaking off an engagement, and then marrying someone else the day the original ceremony was to take place.

(Naya and Ryan Dorsey are still together, but c’mon – she couldn’t have picked a different day?)

Claiming that she wasn’t surprised when her ex got arrested for child porn, which makes us think she should really, really be more selective about whom she dates.

The list goes on and on…

Of course, it’s not just her relationships that she handles poorly, it’s the breakups, as well.

Naya has thrown shade her at all of her famous exes, most notably the rapper Big Sean, whom she portrayed in a less than flattering light in her recent tell-all.

Not a great idea to publicly diss a rapper, as they tend have a way with words.

So it wasn’t surprising when Sean went in on Naya in his latest single “No More Interviews.”

What it is somewhat surprising is the claims he makes about Rivera in the lyrics:

“I learned when people lie on you not to return the favor so I won’t get you embarrassed,” he raps.

“I won’t tell them all the other parts about you that’s plastic.”

Yup, he seems to be insinuating that she’s undergone plastic surgery and lied about it.

And in case there was any confusion over which ex he’s talking about (Sean also dated Ariana Grande), he clears it up by stating that the woman in question recently wrote a memoir:

“And you know the funny thing about it is my ex wanna write a tell-all. F–ked up thing about it is she ain’t even tell all.”

Your move, Naya.

Actually, it might be best to just sit this one out.

You’ve got enough on your plate at the moment.

Just keep enjoying the tabloid headlines about Mark Salling, and let that be enough.
