Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Reggie Bush to Mistress: Here"s $1 Million! Get an Abortion!

Reggie Bush has made a living by trying to evade defensive football players who are attempting to tackle him.

But the former Heisman Trophy winner was unable to run away from a glaring problem in his personal life:

He had an affair. He got a woman pregnant. And he tried to cover up the mistake via a huge payout.

According to one celebrity gossip report, that is.

As previously reported, Bush knocked up a Miami waitress named Monique Exposito at some point this year. She is allegedly six months along with his baby.

The problem with this scenario?

Bush is married to Lilit Avagyan and has two kids with her. OOPS!

Insiders now tell Bossip that Bush tried to nip this pregnancy in the bud when he first learned of it, offering a large sum of money to Monique in order for her to get an abortion.

“It is well known in Miami circles that Reggie has been hooking up with Monique for the last two years,” a source claims to Bossip, adding:

“When Monique told him that she was pregnant, Reggie offered her $ 1 million to have an abortion, but she declined.”

Bush left Buffalo Bills training camp in August to go home for a bit, presumably to try and save his marriage.

He has not commented on this impending baby news; nor has Avagyan filed for divorce.

Instead, Monique is the one who has made a series of legal moves.

“She lawyered up,” this same source tells Bossip, explaining how Monique shared pictures on Instagram while taking meetings with her attorney in Los Angeles.

“She definitely was trying to send him a very strong message that she was not playing around.”

Monique was prepared to go public with details of her affair, but Bossip writes that a “settlement” was reached; i.e. Bush did pay her off to at least remain quiet.

“She deleted all posts on her Instagram page where she’d mentioned her lawyer,” the site reports.

Where do things stand now between Bush and his wife?

The man best known in gossip circles for having dated Kim Kardashian shared the following image on social media just a few weeks ago.

He later added as a message “God can turn around any situation.”

If God were really on Bush’s side, we can’t help but wonder how he ended up a member of the Buffalo Bills.

Jokes aside, however, we guess we’re glad he’s worked things out with Avagyan. There are two kids at stake between them.

There’s supposedly a third on the way for Bush. Those children deserve as stable an enviroment as possible.
