Monday, November 14, 2016

Pollster Keeps Promise, Eats Bug Because Donald Trump is President

Sam Wang has been forced to eat his words.

Sort of literally.

A professor at Princeton University, Wang considers himself an expert when it comes to polling.

Like nearly every single other expert when it comes to polling, however, Wang was way off about Donald Trump. Like, way, way, way, WAY off about Donald Trump.

He did not predict that Trump would defeat Hillary Clinton and become the next President of the United States.

In fact, he did not predict that Trump would receive more than 240 Electoral College votes.

(As of this writing, Trump has won the Presidency with 290 Electoral College votes.)

Just how confident was Wang about his political forecast?

On October 18, he Tweeted the following:

“It is totally over. If Trump wins more than 240 electoral votes, I will eat a bug.”

Fast forward to this past Saturday and an interview with CNN’s Michael Smerconish, who would not let Wang forget about his vow.

“There are things that can happen that could bring the country together, but I don’t think the bug thing is one of them, I just wanted to point it out,” Wang said, after explaining how there are more important issues to discuss, such as who Trump will nominate to the Supreme Court.

Sure, fine, whatever, Smerconish replied.

Let’s just “put” the bug thing to “bed,” he insisted.

And Wang could not really argue.

“After all, I was wrong. A lot of people were wrong, but no one made the promise I did,” Wang confessed, prior to eating a single cricket from a bowl of gourmet crickets mixed with honey.

Watch him do so below:

Donald Trump as President has taken many people by surprise, of course.

Celebrities have reacted to this development in horror, with George R.R. Martin saying winter is here… Katy Perry donating $ 10,000 to Planned Parenthood… and Leslie Knope trying to assuage our fears with an open letter.

Trump, meanwhile, appeared on 60 Minutes on Sunday night, giving his first interview since becoming President-Election to Lesley Stahl.

He sounded fine with gay marriage. He said it’s possible the Supreme Court Justice he appoints will help overturn Roe vs. Wade. He didn’t fully believe that hate crimes were being committed in his name, but he did tell his supporters to be less violent.

What else did Trump and Stahl discuss?

Will he continue to Tweet as President? How will he handle ISIS? What about that whole Mexican border wall?

Click around below for some of Trump’s most revealing answers:

Since Trump’s elections, protests and demonstrations have broken out around the country, from New York City to Portland.

Most of them have been peaceful, but all of them include chants that disavow Trump as the President of those protesting.

Trump initially Tweeted that these people were “paid” to “incite” opposition by the media, although he later wrote that he admired their “passion.”

There is also a One Million Woman March planned for D.C. on the day Trump is inaugurated in January.

So we have not heard the last from folks disenchanted and discouraged by Donald Trump as President of the United States.

What will he actually do once he is President of the United States? We shudder to think.

But we have some ideas…
