Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Kanye West: Reportedly Suffering From Extreme Paranoia as Kardashians Rush to Be By His Side

As you’ve likely heard by now, Kanye West was hospitalized yesterday after reportedly suffering a psychological breakdown during a session with his personal trainer. 

Sources say West was put on 5150 psychiatric hold after allegedly attempting to assault one of his trainer’s employees.

When authorities arrived, Kanye was handcuffed to a stretcher and transported to the psychiatric unit at UCLA Medical Center.

There’s no word yet on whether the rapper is still being treated at the facility, or if he’s been released.

Whatever the case, insiders say the situation is far more serious than even Kanye’s closest friends and relatives initially thought.

Prior to his hospitalization, West canceled his current tour after behaving erratically on stage and cutting several concerts short in dramatic fashion.

“He was crazy and delusional,” an insider close to West tells Radar Online.

“He is having hallucinations, and is paranoid.”

One insider claims Kanye is on suicide watch and struggling with terrifying paranoid delusions.

Friends and family have reportedly been particularly concerned over West’s fears that former friends Jay Z and DJ Khaled had hired hitmen to have him killed.

Last night, Kim Kardashian canceled an appearance at a New York event honoring her late father in order to return to Los Angeles and be by her husband’s side.

Today, she was joined by her mother and sisters, who returned from the East Coast ahead of schedule in order to offer their support.

It’s the second major setback in as many months for a couple who’s accustomed to living their lives in the public eye.

Monday night’s Angel Ball was to mark Kim’s return to the spotlight after being robbed at gunpoint in Paris last month.

Now, sources expect the couple to lay low once again until Kanye’s treatment plan is sorted out.

The rapper’s notorious ego and outsized personality have made him a frequent target of ridicule over the years, and sadly, some on social media have continued to mock West following news of his hosptialization.

Of course, anyone who’s experienced mental illness, either first hand or by watching a loved one’s struggles, can tall you that what West and his family are going through this week is no laughing matter.

Our thoughts are with Kanye, and we hope he gets the help and support that he needs.
