Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Ellen DeGeneres Offers Message of Hope for America

Ellen DeGeneres in 2020?

She’s as qualified a candidate for the Presidency as the man who just won it.

That’s not even a dig. It’s literally true. Donald Trump will soon become the first person to sit in the Oval Office with no prior military or government experience.

In light of Trump’s stunning victory, citizens around the country have been reacting in a myriad of ways.

Miley Cyrus, for example, burst into tears, while far too many people relied on the cliche that they are moving to Canada and Stephen Colbert worked out his shock while live on air.

Then there was Ellen, who actually filmed her talk show on Tuesday afternoon.

But perhaps she somehow saw a Trump victory coming. 

Or, more likely, she had taken stock of the past several months, see the anger and the disdain on both sides of the aisle, and felt a need to offer a few words of encouragement… no matter who was elected President.

“People have been very passionate about this race,” the comedian says in the following video.

“And I think it’s because we all love our country, we just have different ideas about what’s best for it, which is part of what makes America great.

“And I believe we can all come together because if you take away the labels, you realize we’re far more alike than we are different.”

There’s no such thing as a red state or a blue state, in other words. 

As Barack Obama said way back at the Democratic National Convention in 2004, there is just the United States.

Ellen, however, used her trademark humor to make her larger point.

“For instance, no matter what your politics are, we all have that feeling of stepping out of the shower and realizing you left the towel completely across the bathroom,” she joked.

“And you have to do that shimmy on the bathmat all the way across where you try to get the minimal amount of water, trying to tiptoe like, ‘Just that one drop of water will be there if I do it that way."”

She continued:

“We all do that thing where you’re pulling into a parking garage and you duck your head just to make sure you make it.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re a liberal or if you’re conservative, we’ve all passed out watching Netflix and woke up not knowing what episode we’re on, what season we’re on, whose couch we’re on.”

She’s right.

DeGeneres them wrapped things up with a plea for kindness and understanding.

“What I’m trying to say is that we have so much in common, our differences actually make us stronger,” she said.

“We need to have the kindness and respect for one another. Here’s where I make the exception: the people that leave the shopping carts in the middle of your parking spot. Out of the country. Kick them out of the country. Bring the shopping cart back!”

She’s right about this, too.

That’s both lazy and insensitive to the employee who must go bring the cart back himself. 

Come on, people.

(Okay, fine; Kanye and Ellen in 2020. Is that better?)
