Monday, November 21, 2016

The Bachelor Finale: Tears Ahead For Nick Viall ... But What Kind of Tears?!

While The Bachelor spoilers are still incomplete for the coming season, a new teaser has emerged that may portend good things for its star.

The Bachelor producer Mike Fleiss dropped a major hint that perhaps the fourth time is indeed the charm for unlucky in love Nick Viall.

As of right now, we have a fairly good idea who Nick Viall picks among the final four ladies that make it to hometown dates this season.

Thanks to Fleiss, we have our first intimation at how the final rose ceremony played out between Nick and … [follow the links for spoilers]!

Mike says there “were tears of joy and some of the other…”

That can only mean one thing, or so it would appear to us:

Nick struggles with his decision, breaks some poor girl’s heart and is overcome by emotion himself in the process, then gets engaged.


The final rose ceremony was slated to film on Friday night in Finland, where the three overnight (Fantasy Suite) dates were also filmed.

Fleiss’ tweet was sent out on Friday, and given the time change (Finland is eight hours ahead), it’s likely things had just been wrapped.

Time will tell. 

Among those rumored to make it a long, long way this season: Vanessa Grimaldi, Rachel Lindsay, Corinne Olympios, and Raven Gates.

Few photos or videos have emerged on social media of Nick’s season this far, giving the season more than the usual element of surprise.

There have been a few promos for the season thus far, but most of them serve to tease and re-introduce the man who needs no introduction.

Since this is Nick’s fourth time searching for love within the franchise, fans are as familiar with him as they could possibly be, and yet not.

A polarizing figure at times, the software sales exec from Chicago, by way of Wisconsin, remains something of an enigma at the same time.

Viall has been loved, hated and misunderstood as he wooed Andi Dorfman and Kaitlyn Bristowe, only to be dumped on The Bachelorette finale.


However, his turn on Bachelor in Paradise this summer was such an amazing image rehab effort that he ended up getting the starring role.

Chase McNary, Luke Pell and Robby Hayes from JoJo Fletcher’s season were all being considered until Nick swooped in for the surprise.

Twitter was initially not a big fan of the move, but Fleiss and host Chris Harrison say he got the job for a reason, and fans will be on board.

The show’s braintrust is confident in viewers rallying behind Viall, now that he’s calling the shots and doling out the roses January 2.

Ready to get some Nick?
