Monday, November 28, 2016

Rob Kardashian to Caitlyn Jenner: Stay Away From My Baby!

As far as we know, Rob Kardashian and Caitlyn Jenner were never exactly close.

Obviously, Caitlyn’s divorce from Kris Jenner has negatively impacted her relationships with all of her former stepchildren, but with Rob, there wasn’t much there to begin with.

As you may have heard, Rob welcomed his first child earlier this month, and family members whom he’s feuded with in the past (like Kylie Jenner and, well … just about all of his sisters) have made a point of mending fences out of respect for the new generation of Kardashians and a desire to have a relationship with Rob’s daughter, Dream.

However, it seems that Rob’s relationship with Caitlyn remains broken beyond repair.

Perhaps it’s because there wasn’t much there to begin with, or perhaps Rob simply can’t forgive Caitlyn for her messy divorce with Kris, but according to Radar Online, Rob and Caitlyn haven’t spoken in months.

Sources say there was some hope that Dream would inspire them to put their differences aside, but it seems Rob has made it clear that he hopes Caitlyn and Dream will never cross paths.

It certainly sounds like there’s more going on here than just two people who drifted apart.

We may never know what exactly transpired that led Rob to cut ties with Caitlyn, but insiders say it had to do with Kim Kardashian being robbed at gunpoint in Paris last month.

Apparently, the entire family was pissed when Caitlyn went ahead with a scheduled appearance instead of laying low like the rest of Kim’s inner circle.

Rob – never exactly the type to let things roll off his back – apparently took the perceived insult the hardest.

Insiders claim that was the moment that he decided Caitlyn would never meet Dream.

It seems the rest of the family supports the decision, but it’s hard to imagine they’re not a little concerned by it.

After all, this is one of the things they reportedly feared most upon first learning that Rob was expecting a child: that he would use the kid as a pawn, a weapon to help him settle his many petty grudges.

We doubt Caitlyn is too concerned by Rob’s latest gambit, but the rest of the family might have reason to be.
