Friday, November 11, 2016

Meghan Markle: Actually Staying at Kensington Palace!

Remember when we said Meghan Markle was getting serious with Prince Harry?

We weren’t kidding.

Within just a couple weeks of this relationship going viral, we now have word that not only is Markle overseas in London spending time with Harry…

… but she’s actually staying at Kensington Palace!

Yes, THE Kensington Palace!

According to E! News, the Suits actress was spotted this week shopping for groceries at a Whole Foods nearby Kensington Palace’s Nottingham Cottage.

She is reportedly crashing at this famous address, which is where Kate Middleton and Prince William used to reside.

Markle left the upscale supermarket with two large bags of groceries, which means she’s either staying for awhile or is preparing an impressive meal for Harry and company.

Or maybe both!

The beautiful star and the royal hunk met back in May in Toronto.

Markle then traveled to and from Great Britain on numerous occasions over the summer, sharing photos from her trip on Instagram, but never mentioning why she had been there.

This is no longer just a rumored romance, however.

After talk of Markle and Harry as a couple spread throughout the Internet, racist idiots issued threats and hurled insults at Markle, prompting Harry to take unusual step.

Through a spokesperson, he confirmed he was dating Markle and urged critics to chill the heck out.

“The past week has seen a line crossed. His girlfriend, Meghan Markle, has been subject to a wave of abuse and harassment,” the open letter from Kensington Palace read in part.

It continued:

“Some of this has been very public – the smear on the front page of a national newspaper; the racial undertones of comment pieces; and the outright sexism and racism of social media trolls and web article comments…”

The letter went on to say that Prince Harry often fears for Meghan’s safety, as he “is deeply disappointed that he has not been able to protect her.”

Perhaps in response to these threats, and definitely in response to be overwhelmed by her newfound fame, Markle took a break from filming Suits this month.

Might she soon need to take a break to do some wedding planning?!?

It’s not beyond the realm of possibilities, with reports confirming that she has already met Harry’s famous father, Prince Charles.

“It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s already thinking about engagement just because that’s where his head goes, but that’s not where the relationship is at right now,” a source told E! News.

“This is totally Harry. The problem with Harry is when he falls, he falls hard. He goes in big time.”

But Markle has a sensible head on her shoulders, this same outlet writes.

“Meghan would say it’s serious, too, both of them do think that way,” the insider adds, though is quick to acknowledge that she isn’t prepared to walk down any aisles.

Still, we can understand why she’d want to be in London right now.

First, Harry is very good looking.

Second, Donald Trump is the President-Elect of America. Why should she be in any rush to return to the United States?

If Markle does marry Harry, she will become the sister-in-law of Kate Middleton and Pippa Middleton.

We have no real follow-up here. We have no real point to make.

That would just be pretty cool for her. She’d get to hang out often with Kate Middleton and Pippa Middleton!
