Monday, January 9, 2017

Meryl Streep DESTROYS Donald Trump at the Golden Globes

Meryl Streep was honored at the 2017 Golden Globe Awards with the Cecil B. DeMille Award, a recognition of her ridiculously successful and respected career as an actress.

After showing her gratitude to various people and organizations at the outset of her speech, Streep then took aim at a certain shameless real estate mogul who will soon be President of the United States.

First, she ran down the diversity included in Hollywood (Ryan Gosling is from Canada… Natalie Portman from Israel… Dev Patel from Kenya…) and joked:

"Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners, and if we kick them all out, you’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts."

The beloved star then addressed the real-life “performance” from 2016 that “stunned” her, referencing Trump’s presidential victory in November.

She mentioned how Trump came under fire in 2015 for mocking New York Times investigative reporter Serge F. Kovaleski by impersonating his physical handicap.

“This instinct to humiliate when it’s modeled by someone in the public platform by someone powerful, it filters down into everybody’s life because it kind of gives permission for other people to do the same thing," she said, adding:

"Disrespect invites disrespect. Violence incites violence."

Naturally, because he truly cannot help him or comprehend that he"s just proving Streep"s point, Trump responded to her speech in an interview with the Times early Monday morning

He denied ever making fun of Kovaleski and said of Streep:

"Meryl Streep introduced Hillary Clinton at her convention, and a lot of these people supported Hillary."

Trump also said he did not watch the Golden Globes and slammed most attendees there as "liberal movie people."

Watch Streep"s full speech below and then share your reaction:

Meryl streep attacks donald trump at golden globes and trump res