Thursday, January 12, 2017

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: Engagement Coming Soon?

Is Prince Harry about to make Meghan Markle’s engagement ring finger sparkle?

fans of the pair have been wondering when to expect an engagement announcement from the pair ever since they started dating last year. 

Harry is truly in love,” a source shared with E! News.

“They’re very serious.”

It’s great to hear that things are going great for the couple and the source even went as far as saying that they would not be surprised if there was an engagement at some point this year. 

Now, this could all be premature, but at least there is someone close to the couple confirming that the pair could  be engaged before 2017 is over with. 

The news of the engagement does not come as a surprise. The pair have been inseparable ever since going public with their relationship. 

The pair spent New Year in London, before embarking on a trip to Norway to get a glimpse of the Northern Lights. 

Sources close to Harry are claiming that he is very serious about his future with Meghan. 

“Harry is more serious [about Meghan] then he ever has been about a woman before,” a source previously shared with E! News.

“It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s already thinking about engagement just because that’s where his head goes.”

We’re getting very excited at the prospect of engagement for one of the hottest couples in the celebrity world right now. 

As you probably know if you keep up to speed with the pair, pictures of the two together are pretty much non-existent. 

There is word that the pair will be attending a wedding together in March, so there could be some pictures of the beautiful couple on the horizon. 

What do you think about all of this?
