Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Javi Marroquin Nude Photo Scandal: Does Racy Pic Prove He Cheated on Kailyn Lowry?!

Teen Mom 2 star Javi Marroquin is caught up in nude photo scandal after an image that appears to be Kailyn Lowry‘s husband went viral.

In the naked photo, a man is spotted on a bed with his penis and legs showing, and The Dirty (who broke the story) claims it’s Javi.

The “evidence” they cite to prove it’s him is … interesting.

The gossip site says it’s Javi Marroquin based on the following:

– The shirt hanging in the room (which is seen in this photo, and which he is seen wearing in other pictures over the years).

– The ankle socks he’s seen wearing (in this pic and in others).

– The shape of his legs (seriously, see the explanation of that).

– Two images from the source reportedly behind the photos, proving that they knew Javi, who was deployed with the Air Force at the time.

The latter is perhaps the most compelling, as it shows the location he was based out of, at a time when he was still married to Kailyn.

Could Lowry’s fears of his cheating be confirmed?

“There are more women and more photos than just this one and they may be released at some point,” says the source quoted by the site.

Marroquin begs to differ with all of this, however.

Taking Snapchat to defend himself against the allegations – which he claims Lowry texted him asking about – he says it’s not him at all.

“This guy is white,” Marroquin said, pointedly.

“He’s wearing ankle socks, when have you ever seen me wearing ankle socks… yes, I wore ankle socks when I thought they were in.”

“Now you catch me in black Nike socks. That’s all you catch me in. So that sums it up. It’s not me. I would never do something like that.”

Does “ankle socks aren’t in” work as a defense?

In a separate denial, he told Radar, “No it’s not me.”

“Someone reserved image searched it and it’s not me,” he says, saying that the sock pic is two years old, and “It’s not me so I’m not worried.”

Lowry, for her part, has yet to comment on this.

A source close to the mother of two, however, claims she “doesn’t care” if it is Marroquin, from whom she has since filed for divorce.

We all know she really does care, and a lot.

Still, the friend insists it’s not a big deal, as “she saw it in passing when someone sent it to her and she didn’t examine it to find out.”

“She just doesn’t care enough if it is or isn’t him.”

Marroquin then took his denials to social media.

“I’m gonna set something straight for you weirdos who think the picture is me,” he tweeted, reiterating “1. That guy in the pic is white.”

Javi adds: “2. I never wear ankle socks.”

He’s really adamant about the socks.

Marroquin then took a shot at his former wife by saying she’s partially responsible for all of this, since … her friends are talking about it.

“I’m mad Kail just sent me a screenshot of her friends starting s–t of me wearing ankle socks like two years ago. Stop,” Javi tweeted. 
