Friday, January 20, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick: Is It Over Again Already?!

It’s that time again, friends, so hold onto your hearts — for emotional support, but also so you won’t throw something out of exasperation …

Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick have reportedly split. Again.

It’s so sad, for the kids especially. For the three that exist and for that fourth one that everyone keeps speculating about.

It’s also sad, of course, for Kourtney and Scott, who’ve been going back and forth like this for over a decade now.

And lastly, this latest breakup is just so difficult for us. The people. The people who have been forced to keep up with the Kardashians for years and years and can’t take all this heartache.

So what happened this time?

Well, it’s pretty much just the exact same thing that happened last time: Scott flew out of the country and did things that Kourtney didn’t appreciate.

At least he’s consistent.

Remember last week when Kim Kardashian went to Dubai for her first official appearance after her robbery?

Scott went with her since Kanye’s been having his own hard times, and during the trip, he reportedly disappeared off on his own for a while.

“Scott went completely MIA in Dubai and no one knew where he was at,” a source claimed.

“He was supposed to be there to watch over Kim, but no one could find him.”

So where could he have gone? Did he feel like doing some sightseeing? Did he just feel like having some quality alone time? Or did he crawl off into a vodka bottle for a while?

Whatever he did, “Kourtney flipped out and when she finally got Scott on the phone, he told her that she has trust issues.”

And maybe she does — but maybe Scott also has self-control issues.

Regardless, “Scott also told her that he is not Kim’s babysitter and that the reason no one could find him was because hehad overslept — ten hours!”

Sounds like things were pretty tense, right? But it was nothing compared to what happened when Scott returned from the trip.

An insider reveals to Radar that “Kourtney let Scott have it when he returned home! It seems like she just can’t trust Scott anymore!”

We’d actually wager that Kourtney stopped being able to trust Scott around 2009, but sure, we’ll go with this.

But Scott, ever the victim, wouldn’t take the blame for his shady ways, and instead, he tried to blame Kim.

“Scott thinks that Kim really threw him under the bus because she was the one that begged him to go to Dubai in the first place,” the insider claims.

Because if Scott is summoned somewhere, he’s not responsible for his behavior at that particular location? Is that how this works?

Even if it is, Kourtney doesn’t care, because the word is that she’s back to wanting nothing to do with Scott.

It’ll change in a week, at most, of course, but as of right now, Kourtney and Scott are totally done.

What’s that? You think that Kourtney should just accept that Scott is the way he is or that she should leave him once and for all?

Well, yes, ideally that’s how things would go down here.

But as hard as they try, the Kardashians have never really been about ideals, have they?
