Friday, January 27, 2017

Robin Thicke Accused of Beating Paula Patton, Abusing Son

It’s been quite a tumultuous year for Robin Thicke.

First, the singer lost a lawsuit filed by Marvin Gaye’s family over the rights to “Blurred Lines” (aka Thicke’s only chart-topper).

Last month, the singer’s father, Alan Thicke, passed away unexpectedly at the age of 69.

Now, we’re learning that Thicke might not be the innocuous one-hit wonder we all thought he was.

Stunning allegations have emerged from Thicke’s ongoing custody battle with ex-wife Paula Patton, and it sounds as though the formerly beloved singer frequently displayed monstrously abusive tendencies during his marriage.

In court documents obtained by TMZ, Patton claims that Thicke became physically abusive with her on multiple occasions.

“She and Robin got into a fight and Robin hit her with a closed fist to her upper body and then pushed her onto the ground,” one document reads.

Patton adds that Thicke “threatened multiple times to ‘bash my f–king head in.’”

She claims that Thicke’s erratic and often violent behavior is exacerbated by his addiction issues, and that he uses cocaine on a regular basis.

Equally shocking are the allegations about Thicke’s mistreatment of his 6-year-old son, Julian.

TMZ is reporting that Patton has been granted sole legal custody of the boy following an incident in which he allegedly said that he was afraid of his father as a result of frequent physical abuse.

Patton claims that she once witnessed an incident in which Julian asked his father for a hug before bedtime, and Thicke responded by spanking him.

Patton has reportedly been granted a temporary restraining order against Thicke.

Thicke’s attorneys are fighting back claiming that Patton is using their son as a pawn, and that she’s being investigated by DCFS following allegations of “emotional abuse.”

“If these multi-year-old allegations were true, why is she only raising them now in the midst of a custody dispute where she’s the only one violating the judge by denying Robin access to the boy?” Thicke’s attorney said in a statement issued today.

In court documents, Patton also claims she has evidence that Thicke was unfaithful to her on numerous occasions.

She says she heard him having sex with another woman over the phone while he was on tour in 2013.

Thicke and Patton divorced in 2014 amidst cheating allegations.
