Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Plastic Surgeon Says She Got Breast Implants!

In the past, Kylie Jenner has gotten attention for those two giant things attached to her face.

But now, she’s … well, she’s still known for two giant things, but these two things are a bit further down.

Her boobs. We’re talking about her boobs.

Specifically, we’re talking about her boobs and how absolutely, overwhelmingly large they’ve gotten recently.

Kylie’s always been a little curvy, or at least curvier than her big sister, Kendall.

Since she turned 18, she’s been sharing nearly-nude selfie after nearly-nude selfie, accompanied by an actual nude photo shoot here and there.

She’s given us a solid idea of what her boobs look like, but sometime in the past few months, things have changed.

Back in August, Kylie made a series of social media posts in which she was wearing an especially low-cut top. Not only did her breasts look bigger, but they were a different shape as well.

Many people took the time to point out the difference, but Kylie shrugged it off.

“TMI but it’s that time of the month lol,” she explained. “They will deflate soon. And it will be a sad sad day.”

Because we all know that periods are magic and completely transform your boobs for a few days each month, right, ladies?

Interestingly enough, Kylie was notably absent from social media just before debuting those giant period boobs. She claimed she had food poisoning.

And what a convenient cover for plastic surgery that would be.

But according to a plastic surgeon — not Kylie’s plastic surgeon, but an expert nonetheless — she did, in fact, go under the knife.

Dr. Andrea Giannitrapani, a surgeon who specializes in breasts, says that “There is a clear size increase to Kylie’s breasts looking at the side profile of these comparison pictures.”

So apparently Kylie’s profile is where you can see the major change in size?

We’d argue that you can see the change from any angle, including from outer space, but hey, we’re not the experts here.

“Although they are not out of proportion with her frame,” the good doctor continues, “they look as though the still need time to settle and could in fact still be swollen.”

“If she intended on keeping the procedure a secret, the surgeon will have gone for an implant size to suit her frame and for the result to look as natural as possible whilst still creating the volume increase she desired.”

Really, if she wanted to keep any plastic surgery a secret, she should have considered the fact that she can’t go a day without sharing a selfie and that such a big change would be obvious.

Honestly, if she wanted to keep it a secret she should have just been born into a different family.

But again, we’re not the experts here. So sure, hopefully if Kylie did get implants, she was sensible about them and everything will turn out right when she’s all healed up.

And if she didn’t get implants … well, that’s a hell of a period, huh?
