Friday, January 6, 2017

Carrie Fisher Honored, Celebration at Star-Studded, Emotional Memorial

A day ahead of being laid to rest, Carrie Fisher was honored and celebrated on Thursday afternoon.

The late Star Wars actress, who died of a heart attack on December 27, was memorialized by friends, family members and loved ones at her home in Beverly Hills.

On Friday, she will be laid to rest at a joint funeral with her mother, Debbie Reynolds, who tragically died within 24 hours of her daughter passing away.

According to People Magazine, the decision to host Fisher’s memorial at her home was made by her only child, 24-year old Billie Lourd.

The location was sentimental and relevant because Fisher used to host laid back, star-studded gatherings herself at this same residence (which formally belonged to Bette Davis and costume designer Edith Head.)

“Billie wanted the people her mother loved to gather in that living room one last time,” an insider explained to People.

Relatives in attendance included Fisher’s brother, Todd; her half-sisters Joely Fisher and Tricia Leigh Fisher; and Billie’s father, Bryan Lourd.

Fisher’s beloved therapy dog, a French Bulldog named Gary, was also there.

Overall, approximately 125 guests stopped by to pay tribute to Fisher.

They included:

Penny Marshall, Meg Ryan, Richard Dreyfuss, Buck Henry, Candice Bergen, George Lucas and Gwyneth Paltrow.

Eulogies were delivered by Lourd, Meryl Streep, Tracey Ullman, author Bruce Wagner, comedian Stephen Fry and security expert Gavin de Becker.

“All the tributes circled back to Billie and how much Carrie loved her,” this same source told People.

Mourned dined on fried chicken, collard greens and cornbread.

“The only things missing were Carrie and Debbie,” said the friend, who had been to many of the aforementioned Fisher-hosted parties.

“Debbie would sit in the corner, and everyone there would come up and pay homage. Even the biggest stars were starstruck by her.

“Carrie would walk around barefoot with a can of Coca-Cola, making sure everyone was having a good time, saying the funniest things you’ve ever heard.”

Fisher has already been cremated.

On Friday, Reynolds will be buried along with some of her daughter’s ashes.

The joint funeral will take place at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Los Angeles.

While many tears flowed at the memorial, Streep performed Fisher’s favorite song, “Happy Days Are Here Again” and there was an effort made to truly celebrate Fisher’s life as well.

“By the end,” says the family friend, “Everyone was singing.”

We continue to send our condolences to everyone who knew and loved both Fisher and Reynolds.
