Friday, January 13, 2017

21 Texts to Make You Feel Better About Your Relationship

No relationship is perfect.

But the following text messages are proof that some relationships might have more problems than others.

These are real texts sent by real-life human beings.

And while we don"t want to pass any judgment on those involved in the exchanges, we do want to say how these back-and-forths make us feel:


All of a sudden, the interactions between us and our significant others feel a lot more normal. Thanks, Internet!

1. U’re in Trouble, Dude

Ure in trouble dude

You may want to find someone else, dude. We are just sayin.

2. Love Hurts

Love hurts

In some cases, it hurts A LOT.

3. Tacos are Awesome!

Tacos are awesome

So is sex. But this way, you can have both!

4. Sorry is Really the Only Appropriate Response Here

Sorry is really the only appropriate response here

Well done, man.

5. Not on the Same Page

Not on the same page

We feel you, though, bro.

6. We’re Shocked This Line Didn’t Work

Were shocked this line didnt work

Next time, say that you’re coming home to “make love.”

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