Monday, January 9, 2017

Nick Viall: Bring on Dancing with the Stars!

Nick Viall has his eyes on the prize.

A beautiful wife who he can grow old with and have lots of kids with and sit and drink lemonade with on the porch when he’s 85 years old?

HA! No, of course not.

Nick Viall has his eyes on the prize of this season of The Bachelor leading to even more fame and fortune, starting with a role on another ABC reality show.

Over the weekend, Viall was asked by Entertainment Tonight whether he’d have interest in participating on Dancing with the Stars.

He responded by acting all shocked and almost confused by Nancy O’Dell’s question, prior to admitting that he’d totally be down to do it.

“I mean, I haven’t given it much thought. I think it would be fun, you know?” Viall replied. “Who wouldn’t wanna do it?”

Viall continued:

“Right now I am focused on being The Bachelor. [But] if they asked… I don’t think I would say my first thought wouldn’t be no, but I think anyone would feel lucky to even be considered.”

Easy there, Nick.

We’re just talking about Dancing with the Stars here. Not the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Viall, of course, lives in Los Angeles.

He’s basically trying to make it as an actor, so it’s rather hilarious to hear him dismiss further entertainment opportunities as though they aren’t ALL HE’S THINKING ABOUT AT ALL TIMES.

He told ET that he isn’t “actively thinking about the Hollywood route,” focusing instead these days on his own business and, we presume, on banging as many Bachelor contestants as he can.

“I think I would be open to any great opportunity,” he said.

“I never thought I’d go back on Paradise or The Bachelorette or The Bachelor, but I think I have learned in life that it is best to sit back and let things come your way, and take each situation on its own.

“And if you think that it could be a great opportunity, then I think that is great and I am no different.”

Over the years, quite a few The Bachelor and The Bachelorette stars have shimmied and shaken on Dancing with the Stars.

These competitors have included Trista Sutter, Melissa Rycroft, Jake Pavelka, Sean Lowe and Chris Soules.

None has gone on to win the Mirrorball Trophy.

As for which females will manage to win over Viall over the next few weeks?

You can visit our section of The Bachelor spoilers to see who advances to the fabled final four.

Do you want to see Nick Viall on Dancing with the Stars?

Do you think it’s cool or lame that ABC creates its own so-called celebrities via The Bachelor and then uses them to promote other reality shows as well?

And can we all at least agree that Corinne Olympios should NOT receive an invitation to dance with any stars? Ever?

She sucks! Down with Corinne Olympios!
