Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Johnny Manziel Tweets Shoutout to Donald Trump, Deletes Account

Last week, Johnny Football announced that he’d like for his nickname to stop being an ironic punchline.

After years of being synonymous with disappointment, former Cleveland Browns quarterback and current “Gronk, but way douchier and without the talent” Johnny Manziel stated that he wants back in the NFL.

In a series of candid tweets and interviews, Manziel vowed to sober up, admitted he was “#LostInTheSauce” during his last stint in the league, and promised to do what it takes to avoid controversy and focus on the sport he loves.

To say he’s not off to a great start would be putting it mildly.

About 72 hours after assuring fans and scouts that his days of making tabloid headlines are through, Manziel decided to counsel Donald Trump on how to avoid the haters, then deleted his account amidst the totally predictable backlash.

“Yo, POTUS even I know to stay away from the notifications section on twitter. S— will drive you crazy, lead the country and let them hate,” Manziel tweeted Monday afternoon.

He followed that up with:

“Control what you can control and let the rest fall by the wayside.”

Johnny Manziel

We’re not sure why anyone in any field would want to take any advice from Johnny effing Manziel, and apparently the 24-year-old doesn’t even want to heed his own words, as deleted his account minuted later, after his notifications went through the roof.

Far be it for us to defend the tiny-fisted harbinger of doom who’s currently aiming a legislative Death Star at the rights you hold dear, but if there’s one thing President Trump doesn’t need advice on, it’s how to use social media.

Like all sane Americans, we wish Trump would stop publicly griping about TV ratings (since, ya know, he’s the president and all), but to his credit, the guy basically tweeted his way into the White House.

Johnny Manziel, meanwhile, is off someplace plotting a cold pill heist with Ryan Leaf.

Maybe the guy who once posted a photo of himself holding bags of cocaine on Instagram isn’t the guy you want to turn to to help you master this social media thing.

Stick to football, Johnny.

Those Calgary Stampeders aren’t gonna win the Grey Cup on their own.
