Thursday, January 12, 2017

Charlie Sheen BLASTS Rihanna: What a B-tch!

If 2016 was the year of Celebrity Deaths, we’re just gonna go ahead and call it:

2017 is the year of Celebrity Feuds.

Not even two weeks into the new year, we’ve already seen Bella Hadid unfollow Selena Gomez… Casey Affleck get into it with Sylvester Stallone… and Soulja Boy challenge Chris Brown to a boxing match.

It’s been pretty darn awesome all around.

And now Charlie Sheen has reignited his feud with Rihanna.

The actor appeared on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen last night and was asked about his Twitter beef with the singer, which stemmed from an alleged snubbing in 2014.

“Oh, that bitch,” Sheen replied to a question about Rihanna, as fellow guest Craig Robinson shook his head and said, “No, no, no.”

“I think you just made it worse,” Cohen said.

“No, she abandoned common courtesy and common sense,” Sheen explained.

The bad blood between Sheen and Rihanna emanates from a night out in May of 2014.

According to a legendary Sheen rant on Twitter, he was having dinner with then-fiance Scottine Sheen (formerly Brett Rossi) when they spotted Rihanna.

And Sheen wanted to introduce his lover to the artist.

But Sheen claimed at the time that Rihanna shot down this request, citing the large number of paparazzi members in the vicinity, a response that Sheen did not take well.

At. All.

First, he wrote the following, outlining the setting and situation:


Then, he went off on Rihanna:


Then, he REALLY went off on Rihanna:


Rihanna responded to this classic diatribe by changing her Twitter banner to a picture of her signing an autograph for a fan, with Sheen’s head superimposed on top of the fan’s body.

Of course, Rihanna wasn’t the only target of Sheen’s wrath during his Watch What Happens Live appearance.

He slammed Jenny McCarthy and Selma Blair as terrible women to work with when asked by Cohen to rank past co-stars.

“I’d like to mash those two together and then kick them to the curb. They deserve each other,” he said, putting them far below Heather Locklear and Lindsay Lohan in said rankings.

Watch the video at the outset of this article to see Sheen’s full response to Cohen’s “Plead the Fifth” segment.
