Saturday, January 28, 2017

Chelsea Houska: See All The Adorable Photos of Her New Baby!

Chelsea Houska, the undisputed winner of The Best Teen Mom of All The Teen Moms award, just gave birth to her second child, a little boy she named Watson Cole DeBoer.

Watson has just been in this world for a handful of days, but he"s clearly already so very loved — and so very cute, too!

Chelsea, her amazing husband, Cole, and her also amazing parents, Randy and Mary, have been sharing some photos of that tiny little baby.

And you know you"re going to want to see every last one of them …

1. The Introduction!

The introduction

This unbearably adorable photo right here was the first one Chelsea and Cole shared of their darling little boy. Too cute!


Baby hands

Well, technically this was the first picture Chelsea and Cole shared … can you even stand those little wrinkly fingers?!

3. Proud Big Sister!

Proud big sister

Chelsea’s older child, Aubree, holds baby Watson so tenderly. Are your ovaries acting up, too?

4. Cozy Baby!

Cozy baby

Chelsea shared this photo on Snapchat after she brought Watson home … look how handsome!

5. Baby in a Swing!

Baby in a swing

Chelsea’s really been doing an incredible service for all of us by sharing these pictures, hasn’t she?

6. Aubree Loves Watson!

Aubree loves watson

It’s very clear that Aubree is excited about her little brother. And we can’t blame her … we’d be excited over such a sweet little baby too!

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