Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Call in "Sex Coach" to Save Marriage

How far Kim Kardashian has fallen.

The woman who rose to fame for a certain Kim Kardashian sex tape is now uninterested in having sex with her very own husband.

It’s sad but true, according to a recent report.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity to Radar Online this week, an insider said that Kim and Kanye barely have intercourse anymore.

The rapper has allegedly been complaining to those in his inner circle that Kim is “no longer affectionate” with him, which is especially hard for West to take these days due to his recent mental breakdown.

Kanye really needs his wife to be there for him during this difficult time, but Kardashian is struggling with her own personal issues.

As everyone out there likely knows by now, Kim was robbed at gunpoint while on a trip to Paris in early October.

She has slowly stepped back into the spotlight over the last few weeks, but the experience continues to affect the reality star; which, in turn, continues to affect her marriage.

There’s been a slew of Kimye divorce rumors spreading around the Internet for about two months now.

But OK! Weekly claims that Kardashian and West really are working to save their marriage.

A source tells this tabloid, however, that neither Kim nor Kanye is much interested in sex these days.

And they know they need to do something about it.

“Kim’s libido took a hit after Saint was born and since then it’s gotten worse because Kanye’s sex drive’s vanished after his breakdown,” claims this insider.

As most fans know, the iconic artist was handcuffed to a gurney during a psychiatric meltdown in November, prior to being taken to UCLA Medical Center for evaluation.

So it does make sense that he may now view handcuffs differently. He may not be so into whatever he and Kim used to do in the bedroom.

How does the famous couple plan on solving this issue?

By bringing in a professional.

The magazine writes that a “sex coach” has been hired to offer tips and advice to Kim and Kanye; not on technique and/or various positions, of course.

Says the insider:

“The sex therapist is not going into the bedroom with them, mostly talking through things and helping them communicate better, alongside their regular therapist.”

Communication really is the key to happiness.

And to a good sex life, let’s be honest.

Kim has shared many new family photos (above) since the calendar flipped to 2017.

But she is yet to speak out very much in public.

However, new episodes of Keeping Up with the Kardashians are slated to air in March, at which time we expect to hear a lot from Kim in promotion of the series.

We’ve already seen the first preview, which gave us our first glimpse at Kim talking about that nightmare of a robbery in France.

Check out the trailer here:
