Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian Pregnancy: Confirmed on Snapchat?!?

Kourtney Kardashian is either trolling the living heck out of her millions and millions of followers.

Or she really is pregnant with her fourth child.

Rumors of yet another Kourtney pregnancy started to make the rounds soon after the calendar flipped to 2017, with a family know-it-all telling Radar Online this month that Kardashian is in her “first trimester.”

Many women don’t even tell anyone they’re expecting this early on, so it’s unclear how such information would have even leaked out.

But the chatter has only gained momentum in the weeks since.

And not just thanks to anonymous sources speaking to unreliable supermarket tabloids.

But thanks to Kourtney herself!

The reality star appears to be having some fun with talk of her womb all over the Internet, sharing a throwback photo of her naked pregnant body online just a day after the aforementioned Radar report went public.

Check it out here:

Kourtney, of course, is already a mother to three cute kids, all of whom were fathered by Scott Disick. They are:

Mason, 6, Penelope, 4, and Reign, 2.

She and Disick broke up in the summer of 2015, but they’ve remained loving co-parents to these children, often taking family vacations together and spending the holidays as one stable unit.

Over the past several weeks, sources have said that Disick has cleaned up his partying act and desperately wants to reconcile with Kardashian.

Might the stars have figured focus on a fourth kid would be the best way to ensure an end to their long-running drama?

Might they have just gotten drunk and sloppy and accidentally pregnant?

We have no idea, but Kourtney shared the following image on Snapchat just two weeks ago:

And now she’s gone ahead and once more fanned the flames this ongoing pregnancy rumor.

On Monday morning, Kardashian jumped again on to Snapchat and might as well have screamed at her followers, “YES, I’M PREGNANT, OKAY?!?”


How else to explain a photo of Kourtney sitting on a bench and holding a baby doll in her arms?!?

Kardashian simply included a heart emoji as a caption to this confusing photo, refusing to divulge too much information to her followers.

It certainly is possible that Kardashian is expecting another child.

She’s only 37 years old, she’s still relatively young in the grand scheme of motherhood.

But with divorce talk swirling around sister Kim Kardashian, it’s also possible that Kourtney is doing her sibling a solid by taking some attention away from those ugly Kimye rumors.

It’s ALSO possible, meanwhile, that Disick isn’t even the dad!

Toward the end of 2016, In Touch Weekly claimed that Kardashian was very much pregnant, but its cover story cast doubt on the identity of her impending baby’s daddy.

Yes, Kourtney has been having sex again with Disick.

But she also enjoyed a fling last year with some model named Younes Bendjima.

And there’s some concern on Kourtney’s part that she doesn’t know which man in responsible for the sperm that fertilized her egg. Yikes! Awkward! Scandalous!

But great from our point of view, if we’re being honest.

In conclusion, Kourtney can only keep this alleged pregnant a secret for so long.

She’ll either start showing soon or she won’t, which will mean the trolling gig is up.

We’ll keep a close eye on her belly and report back when we know more.
