Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Due Date Finally Revealed?!

In the early days of her third pregnancy, Jenelle Evans was uncharacteristically secretive.

In fact, until a police report revealed Jenelle’s pregnancy to the public, fans were unsure if there was any truth to the rumors that she was expecting her third child with her third baby daddy.

Despite her initial attempts to keep things on the down-low, in the months since word got out that she’s knocked up, Jenelle has been her usual candid self on social media.

We quickly learned that Jenelle is expecting a girl.

Jenelle even broke with Teen Mom tradition by telling us exactly what she plans to name her first daughter.

But because of the subterfuge of her first trimester, we never knew exactly when Jenelle conceived, so there was no way to calculate her due date.

Now, however, we know exactly when little Ensley Eason is scheduled to arrive in the world.

Jenelle posted the following Snapchat yesterday, complete with an update on just how far along she is.

As you can see, she captioned the pic “38 weeks preggo.”

That would mean she’s due to give birth near the end of January.

If she just hit the 38 week mark yesterday, it would mean that her due date is around the 29th.

Of course, once Jenelle starts sharing, she just can’t stop.

She followed that snap up with this slightly TMI gem:

“My veins look like webs!” Jenelle wrote on the pic.

Yes, the miracle of birth is beautiful and whatnot, but once you start offering detailed updates on your distended veins to millions of online followers, you kind of sacrifice your right to complain about your lack of privacy when fans ask questions about your personal life…

… as Jenelle recently did on Instagram:

“I want privacy,” Ms. Evans wrote without a trace of irony.

“All of you disgust me. It’s all about gossip these days.

“And everyone wonders why I’m so private lately? Because all of you are up my a– and so nosey it’s unbelievable.”

She added:

“So back off, you nosy gossip hounds! Now … check out this haiku I wrote about my hemhorroids and feel free to offer feedback in the comments.”

Okay, we may have made that last part up.
