Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Amy Duggar: Did Josh Duggar Abuse Her, Too?!

It"s hard to believe, but at this point, it"s been nearly two years since the world learned that Josh Duggar had molested five young girls — and that four of those girls were his own little sisters.

Since then, the Duggar family"s good reputation — or, OK, if they didn"t have a good reputation, they at least had a non-violent reputation — has been irreparably tarnished.

And when it came out that Josh had cheated on his poor wife, Anna, and when women began making reports that he"d had violent trysts with them … it"s all been so remarkably bad.

But is it about to get worse?

Amy Duggar, cousin to all those 19 Kids and Counting, went on Marriage Boot Camp with her husband, Dillon King.

In a teaser for the show, Amy was seen recounting an instance of domestic violence — she said "he picked me up by my throat, all the way up to the ceiling."

At the time, it sounded like she was talking about Dillon, but she made it clear that wasn"t the case.

So who abused her, then?

Well, in this new interview, she says that the man in question is "a family member," and that the violence happened when she was younger.

Could this be another story of Josh being abusive to the women in his family?!

Check out the interview below:

Amy duggar did josh duggar abuse her too