Friday, January 13, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian: ACTUALLY Pregnant With Fourth Child?!

We’ve been hearing reports about Kourtney Kardashian being pregnant for so long now that if the rumors were all true she’d be walking around with a dozen kids inside her, the oldest of whom would be about 20 months along.

That said, these days, the 37-year-old is sending a pretty strong message that she’s knocked up.

Yesterday, social media was abuzz with word that Kourtney had confirmed her pregnancy with a baby bump selfie … that turned out to be a throwback.

At first, it seemed like Kourt was just having some fun messing with her followers.

She’s a Kardashian, after all, and Kardashians begin to wither away within hours of when the Internet stops talking about them.

True story.

Anyway, Kourtney is certainly doing her part to keep the rumor mill churning with Snapchat posts like this one:

Yes, that appears to be a photo of a pair of baby sneakers with the word “BABY” emblazoned across it, because Kourt is subtle like that.

So is this her way of confirming that she’s actually expecting a fourth?

Weirdly, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Kourt’s made no mention of a pregnancy on any of her other social media pages, so if she is pregnant, this is the most drawn-out announcement ever.

(Did we already sarcastically mention that the Kards aren’t exactly huge on subtlety?)

It’s possible that Kourtney is currently pregnant, but we can’t help but think she would either keep a tight lid on the secret or shout it from a rooftop.

This in-between business is very un-Kardashian.

That said, Kourtney has spoken about her desire for a fourth kid several times in the past, and it looks as though she’s currently back together with Scott Disick.

They’ll probably break up again any day now, and Kourt’s not getting any younger, so she’s probably feeling like the time to breed is now.

In conclusion, we have no effing idea if Kourtney is knocked up or not.

We’re leaning toward “no, but she’ll keep hinting that she is until her Instagram followers get bored and/or a family scandal distracts us all from this charade.”
