Sunday, February 12, 2017

Saturday Night Live Airs Controversial Kellyanne Conway Skit: Watch!

Were you able to catch Saturday Night Live last night? If not, then boy, you sure are in for a treat right now …

This current season of SNL has gotten a whole lot of mileage out of Donald Trump and all of his countless atrocities, including the people he"s hired to work in the White House.

And one of those people is the utterly ridiculous Kellyanne Conway, played on the show by the extremely lovely, very hilarious Kate McKinnon.

But last night, there was a Fatal Attraction-esque skit featuring McKinnon"s Kellyanne. And according to some people, it went way too far.

In the skit, CNN"s Jake Tapper went home to his apartment to find Kellyanne, looking mighty unhinged in some lingerie.

Poor Kellyanne was just so very, very desperate for Jake to put her back on the news, even after that "little ethics violation" that occurred when she tried to sell Ivanka Trump"s clothing during an interview.

So desperate that, at one point, she held a knife to his throat.

It was pretty intense, but also pretty funny. But a lot of viewers didn"t see it that way.

As one person tweeted, "SNL just gave a gift to the White House with this sexist, unfunny Kellyanne Conway skit."

Another wrote "As much as I loathe Kellyanne, this highly sexualized SNL version of her gives me the icks."

Was the skit funny? Sexist? Extreme?

Watch the action in the video below and let us know what you think:

Saturday night live airs controversial kellyanne conway skit wat