Thursday, March 23, 2017

Kailyn Lowry to Slam Javi Marroquin in New Tell-All?

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you probably know that the marriage of Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin has come to less-than-amicable end.

The two of them seemed committed to peaceful co-parenting at first, but these days, the gloves are off. 

Javi is dating Madison Channing Walls, and Kailyn has made no effort to conceal her contempt for her ex’s decision to get involved a fellow reality star and former drug addict.

So Javi should be more than a little concerned for his reputation following the news that Kailyn has reached a deal to write a third memoir.

She shared the news with fans last night in response to a follower’s inquiry:

“Do you think you’ll write a 3rd book that talks about the feelings you experienced to decide to have one more ‘tiny human?’” the fan asked.

“I have already signed a contract for it!” Kailyn excitedly replied.

The announcement doesn’t come as much of a shock, as Kailyn’s first two books outperformed sales expectations, but it’s somewhat surprising that she’s working on a third memoir so soon after the publication of her last one.

Of course, she certainly isn’t lacking for material.

In the time since Hustle & Heart hit bookstores, Kailyn legally ended her marriage, struggled in vain to maintain a friendship with her ex, and announced that she’s pregnant with her third child.

The last development has attracted the most fan interest, but Kailyn has been uncharacteristically secretive on the subject.

So you can expect her forthcoming book to focus heavily on her badly damaged relationship with Mr. Marroquin.

And Kailyn’s side of the story likely won’t do much for Marroquin’s reputation.

There was once a large and vocal contingent of Javi supporters, but the 24-year-old’s behavior on the most recent behavior of Teen Mom 2 seems to have cost him a lot of fans.

An incident in which Javi entered Kailyn’s home without permission appears to have been the last straw for many.

Kailyn’s new book could amount to a nail in the coffin of his career as a public figure.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to see Lowry and Maroquin in happier times.
