Thursday, March 16, 2017

Mischa Barton Wins Restraining Order Against Potential Sex Tape Leakers

Mischa Barton REALLY does not want her sex tape to go public.

We know, we know: you’ve heard that before, right?

Heck, Kim Kardashian still tries to claim that she was appalled by Ray J releasing the former couple’s videotaped banging.

But Barton is serious. She’s taken steps past sex tape stars such as Kim never dared to take in an effort to keep her private parts private.

Earlier this week, talk of a Mischa Barton sex tape hit the Internet, with The Daily Mail confirming that footage of the actress and an unidentified male having intercourse was being peddled for $ 500,000.

This wasn’t idle chatter.

Through her lawyer, Barton acknowledged that someone did film her having sex, against her will.

And she was adamant that the tape never see the light of day.

“Ms. Barton does not consent to any disclosure of any such images,” attorney Lisa Bloom said in a statement, adding on Tuesday:

“She believes that she was recorded without her consent by someone she was seeing at the time. There’s a name for this disgusting conduct: Revenge pornography.”

Bloom then went on to define this term.

“Revenge pornography is a form of sexual assault, and it is also a crime and a civil wrong in California. And we still not stand for it.

“I have a message for anyone who attempts to traffic in these photos or videos of Ms. Barton; we will find you, and we will come after you.

“We will fully prosecute you under every available criminal and civil law.”

Take note, people: THAT’S how you respond when you truly do not want your sex tape to be released.

On Wednesday, Barton herself spoke on the video, referring to the ordeal as a “horrific experience.”

She sat alongside Bloom to announce that she had filed for emergency restraining orders and a related police report.

“This is a painful situation and my absolute worst fear was realized when I learned that someone that I thought I loved and trusted was filming my most intimate and private moments, without my consent, with hidden cameras,” Barton said.

“And then I learned something even worse, that someone is trying to sell these videos and make them public.”

TMZ, meanwhile, has obtained two restraining orders Barton was granted against two men:

  1. Jon Zacharias. 

  2. Adam Shaw.

The star said in her legal documents she started dating Jon last October and says he took videos of “us having intimate relations, photos of me naked in the shower, and other videos and photos of me unclothed.”

These were all taken without her knowledge or permission at the time.

Barton eventually dumped this loser and started dating Adam, a former friend of Jon’s.

The ex-OC actress says Adam told her Jon had bragged to him about the explicit videos and photos.

She also says Adam (who turned out to have been forging her name on checks) copied the pictures and videos and tried to erase them from Jon’s computer.

Barton told the court that both men are lame and desperate and are most likely responsible for this scandal.

In response, a judge ordered both idiots to stay away from Mischa and prohibited them from selling, distributing, giving away or showing any of the videos or photos.

In reference to Jon, Bloom said during yesterday’s press conference:

“Because Ms. Barton had dated him, we contended that she was protected under California’s laws against domestic violence, which prohibit all forms of abuse by a former intimate partner.

“We consider this to be a form of domestic violence.”

Considering all Barton has been through of late, this is the last thing she needs.

We’re glad she’s taken action against such awful individuals.
