Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Casey Anthony and O.J. Simpson: Planning a New Reality Show?!

Hey, do you want to hear something truly disgusting and depressing, something that is really just a tragically horrific sign of the imminent downfall of society?

Of course you do — why else are you on the internet?

Today, the terrible news is about Casey Anthony, the woman who was tried for murdering her own daughter, and O.J. Simpson, the man who was tried for murdering his ex-wife and a friend of hers.

Both had trials that made national news, both were quickly found guilty in the court of public opinion, but both were officially acquitted of those crimes.

They actually have a lot in common, right?

And that’s why, according to a new report from In touch, Casey and O.J. are currently discussing the possibility of filming a new reality show.


Bad idea, or the worst idea?

A source explains that the show “will give viewers the inside story on the aftermath of living with the horrible crimes they were ultimately acquitted of.”

You may be wondering how a reality show starring Casey and The Juice would work, considering that O.J. is about nine years into a 33-year sentence after being convicted for armed robbery, kidnapping, and other various felonies.

And the answer is simple but still so very alarming — come this October, he’s eligible for parole.

As the source says, “In October a parole board will decide if he will be released early,” but in the meantime, “he’s putting Casey on his visitor list, and is even willing to pay for her to visit.”

While the idea of a reality show starring O.J. Simpson and Casey Anthony would be shameful and tragic at best — at worst, obviously, it would be the first sign of the End Times — it’s actually not as far-fetched as it sounds.

For whatever reason, people have gotten seriously interested in the O.J. case again, enough to warrant a popular mini-series and an Academy Award-winning documentary.

Since he’s such a hot topic, and since he’ll most likely be out on parole later this year, there’s been a lot of talk that he’ll be courted for some kind of television project.

As for Casey, in that widely criticized interview she did earlier this month, she mentioned O.J., saying that she could “empathize” with what happened with the Nicole Brown Simpson murder case.

Because, like O.J., “my sentence was doled out long before there was a verdict. Sentence first, and verdict afterward.”

For better or worse, many, many people have a morbid fascination with both of these people. So some shameless network somewhere could definitely take advantage of that in the form of a TV show.

What a time to be alive, right?

Or to be arrested but not convicted for murder, as it were.
