Monday, March 6, 2017

Mandi Venturino: Did Teen Mom 2 Producer Break Up Jeremy Calvert and Brooke Wehr?!

Mandi Venturino is a producer on MTV’s Teen Mom 2, but she’s making news for a different reason – her alleged involvement with a cast member.

A male cast member. Off-screen … with major consequences.

Reports surfaced earlier this month about Jeremy Calvert cheating on Brooke Wehr with Venturino, resulting in the end of their engagement.

Did it actually happen, though? How did that rumor start?

As you may know if you watch Teen Mom and watch Teen Mom 2 online, these are different from other reality series in terms of production.

The producers and crew members not only influence what we see, but often appear on camera and interact with the cast on the show. 

As such, not only do hard core fans know who they are, it’s not uncommon for them to become wrapped up in the drama they’re documenting.

This brings us to one of the crazier rumors we’ve heard in awhile, one that surfaced after Jeremy Calvert threatened to quit Teen Mom 2.

We know. That’s not new. But the catalyst was this time.

Jeremy, who had been engaged to Brooke Wehr, polled Twitter fans as to whether or not he should quit the show, which he was pissed at.

Why? As we know, he often takes issue with show’s editing, and coupled with recent drama in his personal life, he may have hit a wall.

Interestingly, however, those two issues may be scandalously interconnected, as Wehr has since accused Jeremy of cheating on her.

She did so via a series of memes, in typical passive-aggressive fashion … and with accusations that were not passive, just plain aggressive.

“Yes my love, I love you. I swear I won’t cheat on you tonight,” read one meme of a cheater, which she captioned, “Sounds about right.”

Brooke Wehr Meme

Then Brooke named his alleged mistress directly:

“Too bad he f–ked the producer @mandi06.”

And Wehr didn’t stop there, sharing an imagine of Dos Equis’ Most Interesting Man in the World lamenting her relationship fate/

“I don’t always fall in love,” the caption read.

“But when I do … it’s with a cheating sociopath that sucks up my life and wastes my time because I’m obviously retarded.”

Again, she then segued to a direct takedown:

“You just talk to b-tches for hours on end everyday until 2am. Haha I don’t know who the hell you think you’re fooling, but you’re a terrible liar.”

Not a lot left to imagination there.

It’s not clear how Mandi, who works with Chelsea Houska on the MTV reality series, was linked to Calvert, let alone whether they hooked up.

Venturino used to work with Leah Messer before moving over to Houska, which would likely explain how she knows Jeremy at least.

Brooke made reference to Leah in another caption:

“Guess Leah was right. I should have listened.”

Yes, Wehr hit him with the “your ex was right about you” dig, leaving Venturino to actually respond with a vague but still pointed denial.

“#Alternativefacts #fakenews,” she wrote.

“Have a lovely day everyone.”

According to her Facebook page, Mandi – whose Instagram has been switched to private – has her own boyfriend named Tyler Keshel.

Between that and her Kellyanne Conway homage of a denial, and the sheer impracticality of it, we’re going to assume this affair isn’t real.

Still, Venturino’s link to Calvert remains a mystery.

Starting in 2015, she worked as a segment producer for both Chelsea and Leah, before moving over to becoming Houska’s field producer.

She was notably present for Houska’s baby shower, and clearly is well connected to the entire cast and crew of the hit MTV franchise.

We just have no idea how Brooke made the leap from that fact to Jeremy being involved with her, as it’s a striking allegation to make.
