Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Internet Hero Catches Girlfriend Cheating, Reacts Like a Boss

There are few feelings worse in the world than learning your significant other is cheating on you.

So can you imagine the shock, pain and anger you"d feel if you actually walked in on said significant other and another man in bed?

That"s exactly what happened to a Facebook user named Duston Holloway.

Yet… he somehow resisted the urge to yell, scream, beat the guy up or throw his girlfriend"s belongings all around the room.

Instead, he calmly took note of the situation and snapped a bunch of photos of the pair between the sheets.

He then shared these images on Facebook, partly to shame his lying girlfriend, but partly (we hope) to take pride in how he handled the situation.

Scroll through the photos below, take a look at the responses Duston has received and maybe send Holloway some naked pics, hot ladies of the Internet. The guy totally deserves them. 

1. It’s True, They Do!

Its true they do

Duston shared this important message prior to giving his followers a look at what he walked in on.

2. Three is an Awkward Crowd

Three is an awkward crowd

There’s Duston in the bottom right-hand corner. There’s his girlfriend in bed (to the left). And there’s some dude who is decidedly NOT Duston.

3. Wakey, Wakey…

Wakey wakey

Or just stay asleep. I’ve got some more angles I’d like to shoot from.

4. So, This Sucks

So this sucks

It does. But you’ll find someone better, Duston. And you are now an Internet legend.

5. Know What’s Better Than Waking Them Up?

Know whats better than waking them up

Sharing these photos on Facebook while they sleep, so they sign on in the morning to a flood of shock, scorn and humiliation. HA!

6. Duston Went Viral for His Efforts

Duston went viral for his efforts

Your dude? He’s our dude, too, dude!

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