Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Amber Portwood Accused of Abusing Matt Baier: See the Photos

Ever since the world learned that Amber Portwood and Matt Baier are engaged, Teen Mom: OG obsessives have been encouraging Amber to cut bait and run from the relationship before it’s too late.

Fans see Baier as a deadbeat dad and opportunist who looks at Amber and sees nothing but a meal ticket and a coattail to ride.

However, new photos that appear to show physical damage sustained by Baier during a fight might turn the tide of public opinion against Amber.

Matt Baier Abuse Photo

Then again, the story surrounding the sketchy circumstances surrounding the pics might leave frustrated TMOG viewers with the belief that Amber and Matt are both simply too messed up to be in a relationship.

The pics were originally tweeted by Smarty Jones, a gossip blogger and podcast host with a history of digging deep to unearth the truth about sketchy reality stars.

“Just a regular Tuesday, taking pills and beating each other. Give it up for @mattbEPT @amberlportwood #ShesAFighter @mtv #TeenMomOG,” she captioned one of the photos.

Naturally, fans initially reacted to the pics with disdain for Amber.

Matt Baier Black Eye Photo

However, it doesn’t appear that the situation is as similar as originally thought, and it now seems that Matt may not be entirely blameless.

For starters, there’s are doubts about the authenticity of the photos.

Many fans have speculated that Matt faked the pics in order to gain sympathy from one of his side chicks.

That’s a theory that seems to be supported by Jones’ recent tweets on the subject:


Smarty Jones: Matt Baier Tweets

Jones also tweeted a message to Amber encouraging her to check Baier’s phone.

Whatever the case, it looks as though Baier is currently in the midst of a mad scramble to bury the pics.

He started by claiming they were several years old and from a previous relationship.

It’s not clear who Baier is corresponding with in the messages below, but he does seem to be referring to the photos that surfaced today:

Matt Baier Social Media Messages

Online sleuths quickly debunked that claim by pointing out that the photo in the background is the same as the one that Amber posted online just last year.

It’s not definitive proof that he’s lying (Maybe Matt brought the Marilyn Monroe with him from a prior relationship?), but it certainly doesn’t help Matt’s case.

Matt Baier Proof

Several fans have also pointed out that the glasses Matt is wearing in the first image are similar to the ones he wears these days, not the smaller frames he sported early on in his relationship wit Amber.

Needless to say, something profoundly fishy is going on here.

We’ll keep you updated on this developing story as more information becomes available.

In the meantime, watch Teen Mom online to remind yourself of how profoundly messed-up Amber and Matt’s relationship really is.
