Monday, April 3, 2017

Duggar Girls Offer Dating Tips, Want You to Keep Your Legs Closed

The women of the Duggar clan are known for two things:

Chastity and making babies.

Those may seem like reputations that run counter to one another, but for the Duggar gals, they go hand-in-hand.

Their lady parts pass from custody of God/Jim Bob to God/their husbands, and at no point are they permitted to make any decisions about their own sex lives.

It’s gross and weird as hell, but the Duggars say it works for them.

For better or worse, these are women so chaste that Mike Pence could sit down to dinner with one of them and not feel the need to lash himself with a cat o’ nine tails afterward.

So it’s not surprising that when the Duggar gals were asked to offer up relationship advice in a recent interview with Crown of Beauty (?!) magazine, their number one tip was to leave some room for the holy spirit.

“Since we began our relationship, Jeremy and I have learned that when we are walking closely with Jesus, we are closest to each other,” the newly-married Jinger Duggar told the publication (which can’t be a real magazine, right? Like, no one’s getting issues of something called Crown of Beauty delivered to their home, are they?)

Jill Duggar, who’s been living in Central America with her husband, Derick Dillard, sort of stated the obvious in explaining that it’s important for her to share a common goal with her significant other.

“Don’t date anyone who doesn’t share the same goals as you,” she told the possibly-made-up magazine.

It’s good advice, particularly for people who plan to spend most of their married life performing missionary work in foreign countries.

Like, that’s not something you want to spring on your spouse on the honeymoon, ya know?

Of course, what everyone really wants to know is – what does Jana think about love and relationships?

If you follow the family, you’re probably aware that Jana is single and not particularly loving it.

She’s 27, which is not old by sane person standards, but in Duggar Land, she’s an old maid.

She’s probably already subscribing to Crown of Cat Lady magazine, is what we’re saying.

“I believe we all go through times of learning to be content wherever we are in life, whether you are a young kid waiting to be finished with school, a young person waiting to get married, then once married, waiting to have a child, then waiting for your children to go up,” Jana told the hip online ‘zine.

For her part, Joy-Anna Duggar, who’s currently courting Austin Forsyth, was all “you go ahead with that learning to be content sh-t”:

“Lord willing, [in five years] I will be married and a mother,” Joy-Anna said, as Jana presumably resumed her knitting.

Is that courtship shade?

It feels a little like courtship shade, which is a type of shade that Joy-Anna might have just invented.
