Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Aaron Hernandez Asked to Share Cell with Male Lover, Attorney Confirms

A new piece of information regarding the life and recent death of former NFL standout Aaron Hernandez has surfaced.

And it centers around his alleged gay lover.

As previously reported, multiple outlets have claimed that Hernandez lived somewhat of a double life over the years.

He was engaged to Shayanna Jenkins, with whom the convicted killer shared a four-year old daughter.

But he also may have been a bisexual, possibly even murdering Odin Lloyd in 2013 to keep this sexual preference a secret.

There hadn’t been any rumblings about Hernandez being attracted to both men and women during his trial for Lloyd’s murder or his subsequent trial for a double murder in 2012 (for which he was acquitted).

But a bombshell report surfaced late last week that claimed Hernandez penned three suicide notes prior to hanging himself inside a Massachusetts:

1. To Jenkins.

2. To his daughter.

3. To his prison boyfriend, a man named Kyle Kennedy.

And now a lawyer for Kennedy has spoken out about the slew of reports linking him to the one-time New England Patriots star.

Kennedy’s attorney alleges that Aaron requested to prison officials that he be placed in the same cell as his fellow inmate and purported lover.

Aaron Hernandez had requested to the prison that my client, Kyle Kennedy, be his cellmate,” said Larry Army Jr. to The Daily Mail.

Army works as the managing partner of the Boston firm Army & Roche.

The attorney added that Kennedy (pictured above) was open to the idea, telling the British newspaper:

“If he was going to be in with someone else, why not Aaron Hernandez?”

The Daily Mail writes that it has reached out to Massachusetts Corrections Department spokesman Christopher Fallon for corroboration of this request.

The office has yet to comment on this report.

Kennedy, meanwhile, was imprisoned in 2015 for using a knife to rob a Cumberland Farms store in Northbridge, Massachusetts.

He pleaded down an original charge of armed and masked robbery to the lesser charge of armed robbery and received a sentence of three to five years.

Army says his client has not seen the suicide note Hernandez reportedly wrote to him.

Hernandez hanged himself in prison last Wednesday, April 19.

He had been serving a lifetime sentence behind bars, with no possibility for parole, due to his shooting of Lloyd.

Said a prison spokesman shortly after his death:

“Mr. Hernandez [hanged] himself utilizing a bed sheet that he attached to his cell window. [He] was in a single cell in a general population unit.”

“Mr. Hernandez also attempted to block his door from the inside by jamming the door with various items,” the spokesman said.

He also scrawled Bible verse John 3:16 on himself.

The former star tight end’s body was found around 3 a.m. and he was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital an hour later.

In the face of initial questions by some close to Hernandez over how he ended his once-promising life, the Worcester District Attorney’s Office has issued the following statement:

“Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Henry N. Nields performed an autopsy on Mr. Hernandez on Wednesday.

“[Neilds] concluded today that the manner of death was suicide and the cause asphyxia by hanging.”

The office added that investigators also discovered “cardboard jammed into the door tracks of his single-inmate cell to impede entry into the cell.”

Despite rumors circulating that suggested Aaron was murdered – which is own attorney implied – officials reached the following conclusion:

“There were no signs of a struggle, and investigators determined that Mr. Hernandez was alone at the time of the hanging.”
