Friday, May 5, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Barbara Evans & Debra Danielsen Are BOTH Losers!

Of the many feuds waged by Jenelle Evans over the years, perhaps none has been uglier than her ongoing war with her mother, Barbara Evans.

Barbara has custody of Jenelle’s oldest son, Jace, and while it was a situation that Jenelle seemed to resignedly accept for several years, these days, she’s railing against her mother for allegedly using Jace to help her hold on to reality TV fame.

Jenelle is so pissed at her mother that she’s even going after another infamous Teen Mom mom for good measure:

In response to a Starcasm article about Barbara filming the Teen Mom after-show with Farrah Abraham’s mother, Debra Danielsen, Jenelle tweeted this:

“Two moms that only care about fame and starting drama.”

Yes, Jenelle is repeating her argument that her mother is only raising a grandchild by herself because she wants to remain on MTV.

She’s also added a new bombshell to the mix of accusations, claiming that her mom has refused to accept financial support for Jace.

When a fan speculated that Jenelle doesn’t pay child support, the Carolina Hurricane responded:

“I did and my mom cancelled it and told the system she didn’t need it.”

Jenelle has come a long way in the past year or so, and some fans clearly want to give her the benefit of the doubt in the Barbara decision … but as with everything involving Jenelle, it’s not easy:

“I’m trying so hard to be Team Jenelle, I know you’re doing so good now.. but your mom earned her spot on the show. You signed up for this,” wrote a user named Shawna Edwards.

Jenelle countered by … basically repeating the same argument?

“I signed up for this not her…” Jenelle confusingly tweeted.

Perhaps realizing the nonsensical nature of her own argument, Evans went on to claim that she’s grateful for everything Babs has done in the past, but believes that at this point, her mother is raising Jace for the wrong reasons:

“Yeah and I appreciate all that’s she’s done but it’s time now,” Jenelle tweeted.

Naturally, Jenelle concluded the conversation by slipping in a plug for her memoir, which hits stores in June.

When a fan suggested that were it not for Babs, Jace might have grown up in foster care, Jenelle replied:

“No he def wouldn’t and my book will explain the truth.”

Take a moment to enjoy the irony of the fact that Jenelle is accusing other people of using her kids for fame.

Then watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Evans’ many bonkers moments.
