Thursday, June 22, 2017

World"s Worst Woman Demands "White Doctor" for Her Son

Back in December, we met the world"s worst male.

He heckled kids in line to meet Santa Claus by telling them the jolly man in the red suit did not really exist.

That was pretty terrible.

But it wasn"t as terrible as the actions of the world"s worst woman, who is featured in the video below.

In the following piece of footage, she’s at a clinic in Mississauga, Ontario, waiting to see a doctor because her son is complaining of chest pains.

That sounds unfortunate and possibly dangerous.

But any sympathy we’d have for the woman goes hurtling out the door as soon as she opens her mouth and demands a “white doctor.”

She insists on a physician who "doesn"t have brown teeth" and who "speaks English."

As other patients in the waiting room tell her to go to the hospital, the awful human being replied she had already been there and gotten a “Paki doctor.”

“They only have brown doctors and they did not help my kid,” the woman tells the staff at one point.

And she kept going, too.

“What kind of horrible country do I live in?" she is heard saying here. "My kid is sick, so I want to see somebody else that doesn’t have brown teeth that speaks English."

After an employee tells her that no white doctors are currently available, she says “being white in this country, I should just shoot myself.”

Finally, someone else in the waiting room speaks up, telling the woman:

“Your child clearly has more issues with you being his mother than him needing to see a doctor. You are extremely rude and racist."

That sums it up very nicely.

Watch this crazy exchange play out below:

Worlds worst woman demands white doctor for her son