Sunday, June 11, 2017

Katy Perry: I Forgive You, Taylor Swift!

For the past few weeks, we celebrity gossip lovers have had such a great time with the feud between Katy Perry and Taylor Swift.

It’s not often that two huge stars have such a nasty, public battle, and when it happens, it is truly something to treasure.

The feud started a few years ago, when Taylor mentioned that she wasn’t getting along with an unnamed fellow pop star after some conflict involving world tours and backup dancers.

It didn’t take long for everyone to figure out she was referring to Katy.

Taylor went on to release “Bad Blood,” her diss track dedicated to Katy, and she continued discussing the feud in interviews.

Then, last month, Katy released a diss track of her own called “Swish Swish,” widely believed to be about Taylor.

She confirmed it all during an interview on The Late Late Show with James Corden.

“There’s a situation,” she admitted. “Honestly, it’s really like she started it, and it’s time for her to finish it.”

She explained that all those years ago, “there are three backing dancers that went on tour with her tour, right? And they asked me before they went on tour if they could go, and I was like ‘Yeah, of course."”

But, she added, she did tell the dancers that she’d probably be doing her own tour that next year, so if they wanted to work with her again, they needed to make sure to put that in their contracts with Taylor.

She said that sure enough, she began planning her tour the next year, and she texted the dancers, who told Taylor’s management that they wanted to leave the tour, and they got fired.

Katy tried to talk to Taylor about it, but “It was a full shutdown and then she writes a song about me.”

“I’m like, ‘OK, cool. Cool. That’s how you want to deal with it? Karma."”

She also said that she was totally ready to end the bad blood with Taylor, and that if she were to apologize, she’d accept it “100%.”

Katy said in a later interview that “I wish I could turn the other cheek every single time, but I’m also not a pushover, you know?”

“Especially when someone tries to assassinate my character with little girls. That’s so messed up!”

For her part, Taylor hasn’t commented on the matter — but we have heard several reports from sources close to Taylor about how she’s tired of the drama and wants Katy to move on.

Tired of the drama she started?

Also, Taylor decided to release her entire catalog of music at the exact same moment Katy released her new album — so it seems like she’s not too tired of the drama just yet.

But, according to yet another new interview from Katy, she’s ready to end the feud anyway.

“I am ready to let it go,” Katy said in a podcast that appeared on her livestream yesterday.

“I forgive her and I’m sorry for anything I ever did, and I hope the same from her. I think it’s actually like, I think it’s time.”

“There are bigger fish to fry,” she said, “and there are real problems in the world. You know what I’m saying?”

“I love her, and I want the best for her,” Katy continued.

“And I think she’s a fantastic songwriter, and I think that if we, both her and I, can be representatives of strong women that come together despite their differences, I think the whole world is going to go like, ‘Yeah, well we can do this."”

“I don’t know. Maybe I don’t agree with everything she does,” she admitted, “and she doesn’t agree with everything I do, but I just really, truly want to come together in a place of love and forgiveness and understanding and compassion.”

After breaking into that classic Disney tune “Let It Go,” Katy said that “There’s a lot of other things out there in the world that people need to be focused on.”

“God bless her on her journey. God bless her. Honestly.”

And there you have it.
