Thursday, June 8, 2017

Josh and Anna Duggar: Broke With Fifth Kid on the Way?!

Talk of Josh Duggar’s net worth has been circulating ever since the disgraced former lobbyist returned to Arkansas following six months of in-patient sex addiction treatment.

These days, those who were worried about Josh’s ability to provide for his family are more concerned than ever, following news that  his wife, Anna Duggar, is pregnant with her fifth child.

It may seem absurd to worry about the financial future of a couple who shares such a famous last name, but these days, Josh probably isn’t enjoying much of his family’s considerable wealth.

After all, Josh does not appear on Counting On (and the family has promised that he never will), and the cash the family earns from the show has to be divided up a lot of siblings.

So it’s unlikely that Josh’s brothers and sisters would be willing to offer him a piece of the pie in the name of charity or pity.

No one knows better than his siblings that Josh is 100% to blame for her his current circumstances.

That’s not to say that the Duggars haven’t helped Josh and Anna out considerably.

In fact, they basically gave him a used car dealership as a homecoming present after he completed rehab.

By most accounts, Josh and Anna have done a surprisingly good job of rebuilding their shattered marriage, despite his infidelity and shocking sex crimes.

“Anna’s pregnancy has gone really well,” a source close to the couple tells Radar Online.

“She’s feeling great and she and Josh seem to be in a good place right now.”

The insider notes that Josh has gone from preying on children to helping to raise them:

“Josh hasn’t always been the most helpful with raising the kids, but he seems to be stepping up to the plate a bit more now,” says the insider.

“They even came to Florida to visit with Anna’s family which doesn’t happen often. They went shopping for the baby and spent nice quality time with her family.”

But for all of her naivete, Anna is reportedly well aware that the couple’s mounting financial difficulties might soon be a serious issue:

“It’s her fifth child, and I know Josh’s used car business isn’t doing great,” the insider claims.

“I don’t know how they do it having another mouth to feed.”

Though there have been rumors about Anna divorcing Josh, it seems extremely unlikely that will ever come to pass.

That said, it seems all is not well in Tontitown.

Watch Counting On online to see if you can spot Josh in a crowd scene.
