Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Tara Wallace: Look at Me Breastfeeding My Baby!

Tara Wallace is no stranger to controversy, and her latest Instagram picture did not receive the best response from fans. 

The 34-year-old Love & Hip Hop: New York star hit up the picture sharing site to show off that she knows how to breastfeed her son or something. 

The picture was of her breastfeeding her son, Gunner Pankey and we’re not quite sure whether she was trying her best to garner some controversy with the picture. 

Let’s just way it wouldn’t be the first time Tara has done something in the name of causing some drama. 

“I only make it look easy☺️! #normalizebreastfeeding #breastfeeding #breastisbest #thelatch #firstlatch,” the reality TV star captioned the image. 

Her one million followers, however, had divided opinions on the image and made their feelings known about it. 

“Breastfeeding is great, but we don’t need to see it up close and personal,” one user wrote, clearly irate at the picture. 

Another user actually defended Wallace, saying: “Some of you on here are extremely ignorant. He’s too big for breastfeeding?! Her child her decision.”

The above comment came on the heels of someone taking a jab at Tara for her son apparently being too old for breastfeeding. 

Another user said,”Tara’s page, Tara’s baby, Tara’s breast. Don’t like, it too bad. Please feel free to exit her page.”

Like we said above, Tara is no stranger to controversy and probably lives for it. If you watch Love & Hip Hop online, you will likely remember her being involved in a love triangle with Peter Gunz and Amina Buddafly. 

While Tara eventually removed herself from the situation, she basically said all of the drama meant she was getting paid, so she did not give a crap. 

“Our storyline is just so intense, you just can’t help but be affected by it, emotionally,” Tara said at the time in an interview with VH1. 

“For me, when all of this happened, even though it’s been quite some time now, we have taken our story, and it’s become a source of our income.” 

“So there hasn’t been a period of time when we haven’t had to address it.”

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!
