Thursday, June 29, 2017

Nathan Griffith: Expecting ANOTHER Baby?!

Nathan Griffith is an absolute mess.

He may not be the worst guy on Teen Mom — as far as we know, he’s not a complete deadbeat dad and he hasn’t murdered any animals — but he’s pretty close.

He’s aggressive, immature, he’s been known to get into some domestic violence and to drive drunk.

At one point, he also thought it was a good idea to marry Jenelle Evans and to have a child with her, so that’s another strike against him.

We honestly can’t think of one single redeeming quality that Nathan has.

But we can think of quite a few more negative ones after seeing this new statement he made on Twitter.

Earlier this week, Nathan tweeted “Well… Weouttababyitzaboy #attcomerical and for anyone who didn’t get that… IT’s A BOY!!!”

He also tagged his new girlfriend, Ashley Landhardt.

In case you’re having trouble deciphering that message, he’s referencing an old commercial — though it was a Geico commercial, not an AT&T commercial.

The commercial’s a bit dated these days, but it featured a new dad making a collect call to family — when asked to leave his name, he said “Bob We-Had-A-Baby-It’s-A-Boy” and hung up.

Get it, because collect calls are so expensive that he left his entire message as his last name?

It may not make sense to the kids today, but basically Nathan is hinting that he’s having another baby, and that baby is a boy.

He already has two children — he has an older daughter, then three-year-old Kaiser with Jenelle.

And having another baby would be the worst possible choice he could make.

If you can’t figure out why, just go ahead and check out that all that stuff we just talked about in regards to the drunk driving and domestic violence.

But before you get too freaked out, know that this douchebag is more than likely just trolling us.

Shortly after making that statement, he shared a bunch of new pictures of an adorable little puppy, a male pit bull named Torro.

Ashley, the new girlfriend, tweeted “We are pregnant!!!” to Nathan, which just added more fuel to the gossip fire.

He responded with “AGAIN!?!? We can’t be pregnant, we already have a baby! How is that possible?”

Looks like someone’s hungry for some attention, huh?

But when someone pointed out that they were for sure going to start some rumors, he got defensive.

“We are here for our entertainment, not yours!” he wrote.

Meanwhile, his girlfriend said that “People need to get off social media and have a life again.”

If it were possible to die from rolling your eyes too hard, well, then RIP, everybody.

And that concludes the latest chapter in the dumb, dumb life of Nathan Griffith.
