Friday, June 9, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Becky Hayter Will Be With Me In the Delivery Room!

While we don’t know Kailyn Lowry’s exact due date, we do know that she’ll most likely give birth sometime in the next 2 to 3 weeks.

It’s no doubt an exciting time in Kailyn’s life, but it’s probably also a little scary.

After all, when she gave birth to her last child, Kailyn was still married to Javi Marroquin and seemed to have her future mapped out for her.

These days, things are a bit more up in the air.

Kailyn is not dating Chris Lopez, the father of her third child, and it seems as though they won’t be forming an amicable co-parenting relationship any time soon.

In fact, it seems Chris may not even be on hand for the birth of his son or daughter.

So who will be holding Kail’s hand in the delivery room?

Why, none other than her bestie and rumored lesbian lover, Becky Hayter.

We say that last part in jest, as it doesn’t appear that Kailyn and Becky are now or ever were romantically involved.

But they are BFFs, and Hayter has apparently been a much-needed source of support throughout Kailyn’s pregnancy.

Answering fan questions online earlier this week, Hayter revealed that it will be her, not Lopez, who will be coaching Kailyn through her third delivery.

“No it won’t be filmed,” Hayter wrote, in response to a question about the possibility of the birth being televised. “I hope to make it there for the delivery.”

Sources say Hayter will not only be at the hospital, she’ll be right by Kailyn’s side while she’s in labor

As the person who’s been there for Kailyn more than any other during her pregnancy, Becky’s presence in the delivery room was apparently a no-brainer.

Those closest to Kailyn say that she would like for Lopez to be on hand, as well, but she’s come to terms with the fact that that likely won’t happen:

“She wants to give him the opportunity to see his child being born,” an insider says.

“She never said Chris couldn’t be involved with his child. She would hope he would want that, but she won’t force it or chase him to do so.”

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive the rocky road that led Kailyn to where she is today.
