Thursday, June 1, 2017

Kim Kardashian RIPS Caitlyn Jenner: She"s a LIAR!

In case you hadn"t heard, things aren"t going so great between Caitlyn Jenner and the Kardashians right now.

Well, the Kardashians, the other Jenners … it seems like most everyone related to Caitlyn isn"t too pleased with what"s been going on lately.

The bulk of the issues are coming from Caitlyn"s new memoir, The Secrets of My Life, and the many, many claims she makes about Kris Jenner.

For instance, she wrote that Kris always knew that she was transgender, that Kris made her hide all of her women"s clothing and accessories, that Kris controlled her finances.

And that last issue is what"s really upsetting Kim Kardashian in this new Keeping Up with the Kardashians sneak peek.

In the clip, Kim explains to Kourtney that she read Caitlyn"s entire book because she wanted to be "fair."

Kourtney asked her about it, saying that she imagined Kris was "exaggerating" in her reaction to the book, and Kim agrees that that"s what she thought, too.

"She"s so angry at Mom," Kim said. "Like, for no reason."

"It was like, "I didn"t speak to my sister because of Kris, I didn"t see my kids because of Kris." Like, grow up and say "I didn"t call my kids!""

Kim also revealed that "Caitlyn discredits Mom, she said "I didn"t see a dime of my money.""

"She was insinuating that, like, Mom took the check and pocketed it, and like had this huge savings."

But Kim also said that what a lot of people don"t know is that the family struggled a bit for several years before they became famous, and that Kris had to borrow money from her mother and from Kourtney to pay the bills.

And when they did begin to make more money, Kourtney added, it was because of Kris" admittedly amazing business sense.

She said that Kris "hustled" to get Caitlyn jobs as a motivational speaker, and that she "changed Caitlyn"s career."

And we saw all that in early seasons of Keeping Up with the Kardashians — love them or hate them, there"s no doubt that everyone, including Caitlyn, is in the position they"re in because of Kris" hustling.

Kim brings up one more tidbit from the book: the part where Caitlyn wrote that she didn"t mention the Kardashians by name in her famous Diane Sawyer interview.

She wrote that she avoided the family"s name, even though she"d been in their family for decades, because people would think her transition was a publicity stunt.

"And that sounds pathetic," Kourtney said in response.

Watch the tension grow in the video below:

Kim kardashian rips caitlyn jenner shes a liar