Friday, June 16, 2017

Bachelor in Paradise Star Calls Complete BS on Corinne Olympios

Simply put, Jasmine Goode thinks Corinne Olympios is a liar.

The former Bachelor suitor was in Mexico for Season 4 of Bachelor in Paradise last week, meaning she has a unique perspective on what allegedly took place between Corinne and DeMario Jackson.

As nearly everyone knows by now, production on the ABC spinoff has been shut down as a result of what Warner Bros. has described in a statement as a report of “sexual misconduct.”

With new details continuing to come in and with the rumor mill endlessly churning, all we really know at the moment is that Olympios and Jackson were both very drunk when they started to hook-up in a pool.

A producer later told executives that it was unclear whether Olympios was sober enough to give consent, which has initiated an investigation and resulted in all cast members being sent home.

The allegation has likely resulted in the cancelation of Bachelor in Paradise as well.

Earlier this week, both Corinne and DeMario issued their first lengthy statements in response to the scandal, with Olympios making it VERY clear that she was taken advantage of.

“I am a victim and have spent the last week trying to make sense of what happened on June 4,” Corinne said, adding that she’s hired a lawyer and saying:

“Although I have little memory of that night, something bad obviously took place… As a woman, this is my worst nightmare and it has now become my reality.

“[I am looking to] obtain justice and [will be] seeking therapy to begin dealing with the physical and emotional trauma stemming from that evening.”

Goode, however, is not having it.

In two separate interviews that went public on Friday, she called complete and utter BS on Corinne’s story.

“I don’t believe she was a victim or traumatized,” the reality star tells The Daily Mail, citing Corinne’s behavior on the day in question and adding:

“Not once did she complain or say she was upset with what happened in the pool with DeMario. She was laughing, having a good time.

“Even the day after, she was hanging out with DeMario and some other people in the hot tub. I honestly thought they were going to become a couple.

“She never, ever said one thing negative about DeMario. And she was never in danger, at least I never witnessed anything bad happening to her.”

Goode goes on to say she even walked by during Corinne and DeMario’s hook-up and the former casually said “hi” to her.

She also describes Jackson, who believes his character is being assassinated and who has also hired an attorney, as a “good” and “sweet” guy.

Elsewhere, Goode also spoke to E! News.

In this interview, she reiterates that Corinne was not victimized in any way… and even says she victimized a handful of men on the Bachelor in Paradise set.

“The day of the incident under investigation, Corinne did not display any change in behavior from what was observed by the cast on her season of The Bachelor,” Goode tells E!.

She continues, adding new details and fuel to this controversial fire:

“Corinne forced herself on three male cast members, when they were unable to consent, in addition to engaging with DeMario.

“After the incident everything seemed fine. There was no mention about being hurt.

“However, when producers tried to cut her off from drinking, she got upset and said, ‘Watch, watch what I’m gonna do."”

Goode also defended the show’s producers, saying no one is forced to drink or engage in any behavior against their will.

She says these employees are often checking on the stars to make sure they are “comfortable” with everything.

Could Goode be lying? Yes.

Could Olympios be lying? Yes.

We have no reason to take either side. We’re just reporting what’s been said.

Olympios’ attorney, Marty Singer, meanwhile, replied to this latest twist by saying the following to E! News:

“Several cast members and producers have come forward confirming the facts disclosed by my client.

“If nothing improper occurred on the set of Bachelor in Paradise, why was the production shut down within two days of production?

“Shutting down production of a television series is almost unheard of.

“The investigation and subsequent shutting down of the series was initiated based on complaints made by producers on the set of Bachelor in Paradise.”

DJ and CO

At the end of the day, all we can do is wait.

It’s difficult not to wonder and speculate, but the investigation will be complete at some point and we’ll know a lot more at that time.
