Thursday, June 8, 2017

Phil Collins Rushed to Hospital, Cancels Shows

Phil Collins was rushed to hospital after suffering a fall in his hotel room. 

The 66-year-old singer fell while going to the bathroom and required stitches in his head.

This means Collins’ concerts which were scheduled to go ahead on Thursday and Friday will now be delayed until November. 

A representative for Collins took to the star’s official Facebook page with the following statement:

We unfortunately have to announce that Phil Collins’ performance at the Royal Albert Hall in London will be postponed tonight (June 8) and tomorrow (June 9).

Phil suffers from ‘drop foot’ as a result of a back operation which makes it difficult to walk. He rose in the middle of the night to go to the toilet and slipped in his hotel room, hitting his head in the fall on a chair.

He was taken to hospital where he had stitches for a severe gash on his head close to his eye and is recovering well. He will be kept under observation for 24 hours.

Phil sends his sincere apologies and thanks to fans. He has had a fantastic week at his first shows in 10 years, cannot thank people enough for their warm reaction and is excited to return.

These Royal Albert Hall shows will be rearranged for November 26th and 27th this year. All tickets for June 8th will be valid for November 26th and tickets for June 9th will be valid for November 27th.

He will carry on with this tour on Sunday in Cologne and then Paris before returning to London for his headline performance at BST Hyde Park on June 30th.

It’s good to hear the singer is now on the mend, but it must have been a frightening incident for him. 

Collins has been vocal about his health concerns in the past, opening up to Billboard in 2016 about them and pondering whether he would ever be able to return to the performer he once was. 

I don’t know if I’ll ever be fit enough to play the drums again on tour,” said Collins.

“My left arm has changed – it’s a neural thing. The back surgery I had was great – I mean, how good can surgery be? But it was problem-free.”

“But then when I was recovering on crutches, I fell and fractured my foot. When I recovered from foot surgery, I fell again and fractured another part of the same foot. My right foot now is completely numb.”

He continued, “It could be a year or three months to get feeling back – I have no idea. But my kids want me to do shows so they can brag to their friends.”

“I intend on doing some things. I stopped going into the studio because I was sad, but now I’m getting a taste of it again.”

We wish Phil a speedy recovery. 
