Friday, June 2, 2017

Jennifer Lopez: Baby on the Way?

Jennifer Lopez is one of the most successful women on the planet. With multiple TV shows on the air, sell-out tours, acting, and modeling, it’s fair to say Lopez has done it all. 

However, the 47-year-old appears to be ready to put her career on hold to have a child with her baseball boyfriend, Alex Rodriguez. 

According to Radar Online, that is. 

“J.Lo’s so in love with A-Rod that she’s committed to having a baby with him!” said a source close to the star. “She knows there’s a risk, but she’s willing to take it with him!”

The report does come a bit soon considering the couple has been together for weeks, but who are we to stand in the way of true love?

“Alex is one of the few guys in the world that can make Jenny feel starstruck,” spilled an insider. “She’s a huge Yankees fan! She’s from the Bronx, after all — and she considers him a legend!”

We’re sure he thinks the same of you, Jen. 

It also sounds like Jennifer’s ex-husband Marc Anthony is giving Rodriguez the thumbs up, so that’s always a positive. 

“Marc is thrilled to see Jen with a true family man,” a source dished. “He was always worried about the younger guys she dated, like Drake and Casper Smart.”

It must be difficult for Jennifer to pick men she wants to date because she’s had three failed marriages, but something tells us she’s on to a winner here with Alex. 

For a start, they look cute as hell, but the true test will come when that honeymoon period ends for them. 

Apparently, Jennifer has been very open to her friends and family about increasing her brood with a new addition. 

And it also appears Jenny from the block is not taking any chances and is actually putting her foot down to ensure her man stays on the right side of her. 

“Jenny knows Alex hasn’t been a great husband or faithful boyfriend in the past,” the report continued.

“She’s given him a few months to prove he’s committed to her, and even put a private eye on him to make sure he passed the test. He has … so far.”

Um, alright then. Let’s see how long it lasts. 

You can catch up with Jennifer every Tuesday on NBC’s World of Dance. It’s a surprisingly fresh take on dancing. That probably explains why it was the biggest summer reality launch since 2012. 
