Monday, June 12, 2017

Teen Texting Slang 101: That Actually Means What?!

Everybody communicates through texting, but not everyone texts in the same way or for the same purpose.

Like, texting your boss is not like texting your family, and neither of those are the same as texting your friends … or potential romantic interests.

Because of the need for alacrity and the wider array of visual communication tools — like emojis — sometimes older folks are at a loss for what younger people are saying — especially if we"re talking about a parent nosing through their teen"s private messages that are none of their business.

Well, ever since the dawn of AOL Instant Messenger — remember that? — news articles have been publishing "translations" of what the youths mean when they use abbreviations and slang.

Attempts to help parents with their snooping are generally pretty ridiculous and often include awkward inaccuracies. Imagine how goofy and full of misunderstandings an article on Egyptology would look to an actual Ancient Egyptian.

Well, Millennials have never had to imagine that, because that"s been the story of our lives since, like, 1997.

Yahoo! recently posted one of these guides that"s not completely accurate.

But ours is. Take a look as we explain these acronyms and emojis.

1. 100


This just means that something is true or honest. It means that something’s “100%” accurate. That’s where the “100” comes from.

2. Eggplant


With the exception of Rob Kardashian, who once used the emoji to talk about literal food, everyone uses this to refer to a penis — or to sex, even if the sex in question won’t involve a penis. It could literally just be a reference to a hot guy rather than actual plans involving his penis.

3. Droplets


These *can* refer to ejaculation, but they can also just be the sweat droplets of someone who’s nervous around their crush or about a test. So no, parents, if they say “I gotta take a test real quick” followed by that emoji, it doesn’t mean that academics turn them on.

4. Peach


The peach emoji means a butt. It looks like a shapely butt and it always means a butt. Usually we see it in terms of people talking about how they or others look in various pants.



WTTP is an acronym for “want to trade pictures.” Generally speaking, most people aren’t going to use this because most people are too discerning to just randomly fire off some nudes at someone who can’t even use the words, but sure.

6. Turnt and Lit

Turnt and lit

Most people don’t say “turnt” anymore unless they mean it ironically. “Lit” is still a word, both basically just mean “turned up.” They CAN refer to intoxication or drug use, but generally they just mean that a party is exciting or wild.

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