Thursday, June 15, 2017

Chelsea Houska Shows Off Post-Baby Bod, Actual Baby

At 25, Teen Mom star Chelsea Houska may no longer be a teen, but she’s still a mom, and she has another unspeakably adorable addition to the family in the form of baby Watson.

She shows him off on Instagram, but fans took notice of Chelsea’s appearance, too.

The joy in this photo is so good and pure.

We’ve seen Chelsea Houska’s baby before, but babies change so quickly that each picture holds something new.

And look at him! Watson DeBoer’s growing up, but he’s definitely still a baby.

His cheeks are so much!

It’s amazing that she was able to muster the will to smile at the camera instead of just kissing those cheeks.

She’s actually making a habit of sharing photos of her kids, which means that we know that Watson has a wide range of facial expressions for us to treasure.

Just look at his soulful gaze.

Followers were quick to comment on not only Watson’s overwhelming cuteness, but on how Chelsea isn’t looking so bad herself.

Her post-baby body is extraordinary.

A lot of women take much longer to regain their old shape after giving birth.

Remember Chelsea Houska’s pregnancy photos? We do.

Actually, a lot of women’s bodies are never the same again.

That’s nothing shameful — pregnancy literally rearranges your hips and can be hell on your entire system.

Meanwhile, Chelsea’s body looks like she could be posing with a friend’s baby. Dang.

And, obviously, Watson isn’t even her first kid.

No one could forget Aubree, who is going to turn eight years old this September.

Like we said — kids grow up fast.

And make us feel so old in comparison.

Commenters on this photo of Aubree suggested that she’s going to inherit her mother’s good looks.

We certainly hope so — she’s precious!

Another commenter said that they always felt like Aubree was the sweetest of the Teen Mom kids.

We don’t wanna rank children, because they’re children, but that must be great for a mom to read.

Especially given how vile comments can often be.

Chelsea Houska’s lamented her parenting fails before, but from what we’ve seen, it looks like she’s doing alright.

As a parent and just for herself.

That’s always nice to see, especially for someone whose career and fame began with a teenage pregnancy.

There are a lot of worse ways for that kind of story to end.
