Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Alaskan Bush People Season 7: What Should You Expect?

Based on all we’ve heard and read about the final season of Alaskan Bush People, it’s pretty clear that Discovery is saving the very best for last.

Or at least the very scariest for last.

As previously announced, this long-running reality series will call it quits after Season 7, but not before delivering what is shaping up to be the most dramatic set of episodes in show history.

According to the official Alaskan Bush People website, for instance, the Browns are about to encounter their “darkest hour yet.”

And it’s not hard to understand why.

Among the spoilers we’ve come across, there’s been chatter that Ami Brown is battling a serious diagnosis of lung cancer.

It will be a prominent storyline on the upcoming season, with rumors even spreading that she’s somewhere in the lower 48 states, receiving treatment.

We may not even see any of Ami in Alaska itself, which would be a pretty major departure for the series.

It premiered in May of 2014 and is almost entirely filmed on location in the Hoonah, Alaska and Chichagof Islands.

The series has been successful due to the unusual nature of the family at the center of it in this regard; Bill, Ami and their seven kids will sometimes go six months without even seeing another seeing an outsider.

What else can fans look forward to on Season 7?

Just over a week ago, TMZ reported that Matt Brown required nine staples in his head after a refrigerator explosion landed him in the hospital.

Sources told that website on May 26 that Matt filled a mason jar with gunpowder and cannon fuse and stored it in his fridge and that the item then went KABOOM, blowing the doors off their hinges and into his noggin.

If this sounds a bit crazy, well… it is.

But it also explains the popularity of Brown and his family.

They move to the beat of their own drum, to say the very least.

It’s safe to assume that this incident and Matt’s recovery will also be featured on Season 7.

Finally, last season introduced viewers to Noah’s latest love interest, Rhain, who up until recently went by the name of Ruth.

The family isn’t a fan of hers. Insiders say that producers aren’t even a fan of hers.

But this doesn’t mean she’s necessarily off the show. When was the last time a reality program didn’t embrace a controversial cast member?!?

The final season of Alaskan Bush People kicks off on June 14.

Between a few unfortunate medical cases and the general chaos of anything involving this family, you’d better buckle up.

It’s gonna go out with so many bangs.
