Saturday, June 24, 2017

Audrey Roloff Baby Bump Watch: 30 Weeks & Counting!

Who wears short shorts?

Audrey Roloff wears short shorts in the latest glimpse this Little People, Big World star has given fans of her impressive baby bump!

The expecting mother – who has kept followers well apprised of her belly, her excitement, her hopes, her fears and other aspects of her first pregnancy – has once again taken to Instagram and provided us with with an adorable update.

Before we reveal the latest glimpse at Roloff’s 30-weeks-along tummy, however, let’s take a look at how she celebrated Father’s Day last Sunday.

She did so with very kind words for husband Jeremy, of course.

“Happy first Father’s Day babe,”Audrey wrote as a caption to the photo above, adding:

“Even though our little girl is still growing in my belly, you are already her father and she is already our daughter. I cannot wait to watch you teach, protect, encourage, pray with, and love our little girl.

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalms 139:13.

Roloff often combines words about her soulmate with words about God.

She often shares beautiful photos of her pregnant body as well, such as THIS ONE from a week ago and the following one from a day ago:

“30 weeks!!! Baby girl is healthy and non-stop moving this bumpin belly,” Audrey informed followers with the caption to this image.”

The excitement emanating from this reality star over first-time motherhood really is palpable.

She continued as follows:

I still can’t get over how miraculous pregnancy is. I’m so humbled and honored that the Lord would entrust me with this baby to grow, nurturer, instruct, and love.

Jeremy and I are getting more and more excited to meet her, but also feeling less and less prepared.

We are 10 weeks from my due date (August 31st) and we still don’t have anything for baby yet… not to mention our house is currently a construction zone… so we are living with my parents…

No shortage of excitement and chaos over here;)

Rest assured, Audrey: No parents have ever felt truly prepared to welcome their first baby into the world.

It would almost be strange for you to NOT feel a mixture of excitement, chaos and anxiety right now.

It must help the couple, however, that Zach Roloff and Tori Roloff welcomed a son into the world last month as well.

They’ve been able to witness their loved ones caring for a newborn and adjusting their lives accordingly, just a couple months before they go through the same major life change.

Audrey and Jeremy dated for three years… got married in 2014… and announced their pregnancy in February.

They later learned that they’re expecting a little girl.

And TLC viewers will most definitely have a chance to meet her.

Earlier this week, Amy Roloff confirmed that the series will return for Season 14, writing on Facebook that new episodes will return in September.

That’s right around when Audrey is due. Hooray!

We can’t wait to meet her impending bundle of joy!
