Tuesday, June 20, 2017

DeMario Jackson: Cleared of Sexual Assault! Bachelor in Paradise to Resume Filming!

An investigation into an alleged sexual assault on the set of ABC’s Bachelor in Paradise earlier this month is over, and the verdict is …

… that there was none. The show will go on!

DJ and CO

You likely know the pretense well by now:

The trashy summer spinoff of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette was shelved after a controversial pool sex incident during filming.

A producer claimed that Corinne Olympios was so wasted that she was not capable of consenting to oral sex with DeMario Jackson.

Warner Bros. then shut down Bachelor in Paradise indefinitely and sent the ENTIRE cast home while it conducted an investigation.

Meanwhile, DeMario Jackson reportedly maintained that he did nothing wrong, while Corinne claimed to be the victim in the situation.

In the end of that, though, the powers that be concluded that there was no sexual assault – and not only that, but filming will continue.

TMZ, which reported the news of the investigation’s conclusion today, cited sources claiming that Corinne was “fully engaged” in sex.

At the same time its sources said she was lucid throughout the encounter with Jackson, the site released her side of the story as well.

In any case, DeMario’s lawyer met with Warner Bros. attorneys, reviewed the tapes of the incident and assured him he was in the clear.

We were hearing whispers that Jackson said the footage would set him free, so to speak, and that turned out to be exactly what happened.

Neither he nor Corinne have commented on the decision personally, but filming will reportedly resume in the same location in Mexico.

The show will air this summer as planned.

From the get-go, people called BS on Corinne, who was reportedly on good terms with her co-star after the drunken pool sex occurred.

Just the same, she said in a statement that “I am a victim and have spent the last week trying to make sense of what happened June 4.”

“Although I have little memory of that night, something bad obviously took place,” the reality star said, carefully not blaming DeMario.

“Which I understand is why production has now been suspended and a producer on the show has filed a complaint against the production.”

Corinne then continued her scathing indictment, saying that “as a woman, this is my worst nightmare and it has now become my reality.”

“As I pursue the details and facts surrounding that night and the immediate days after, I have retained a group of professionals.”

That includes “an attorney to obtain justice” and “therapy to begin dealing with the physical and emotional trauma stemming from that evening.” 

All very disturbing comments to make, and all the more bizarre given the vagueness and the decision by executives to continue the show.

What exactly happened that night in Mexico?

We can’t say, and it’s likely we will never know, as we don’t imagine either party pursuing this any further … though you never know.

As for the infamous swimming pool incident, it will not be aired for obvious reasons, regardless of whether DeMario and Corinne appear.

It’s not clear whether Corinne and DeMario, two infamous former Bachelor and Bachelorette castoffs, respectively, will be on the show.
